Dead to me

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I WAS OUTRAGED, HOW DARE HE CALL MY BEST FRIEND MY NICKNAME FOR HER AHHH. I felt like screaming, then I thought well surly Athena will know it's my thing and correct him. So I wait for her reaction and this happened, "yes cam I was really worried about Nessa but can you maybe think about a new nickname for me because ena is kinda Nessas thing" omg I was soo relieved at that moment. "Sure princess" cam replied, I was shocked, when me and Athena was younger she would say "I hope I get a guy to call me princess one day" and now she had, there was no chance of her falling for me now. Her reaction to being called princess was priceless, her smile was bigger than when she saw I was ok, she jumped up out of the chair and kissed cam. I wish that was me, that's all I could think about, suddenly cam looks at me and winks. Athena had her eyes shut but still, even if she saw him do it she wouldn't believe, there was no point in telling her. Finally after the kiss ended (it has felt like eternity), Athena took cams hand and walked away from me saying "we're just going to eat lunch then we will be straight back" I looked at the time it was 4:28pm, Athena obviously had gotten over her sex fear, she had never been good at lying to me. Athenas mother Aphrodite walked in, she spoke softly as if telling me someone had died "your mother can't make it to the hospital because of work and John says he's to busy to come pick you up, so I will be taking you back to my place" I was relieved, "were is Athena and cam?" She asked, I didn't know what to say, but I knew I couldn't tell her the truth "they went to get food of something I am not sure" I said, she looked at me then said "I am gunna try and find them" I looked worried but didn't say anything but "o..ok" I couldn't help but stutter. She walked away not thing much of it, I slowly started to drift of to sleep thinking about all the ways I am better than cam and how he is dead to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2021 ⏰

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