8. Using Me Fully?

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Annoying burst into laughter, throwing me into the deep abyss of confusion. Maybe he really had something wrong with his head. As he seemed to continue laughing until he died, I decided to check around by myself so that we could return to the bed sooner.

"I am sorry, don't go," he stopped laughing as he grabbed my arm, misunderstanding my action.

I shook my arm and getting the signal he let go of my arm. Then I asked "why? Don't tell me you are afraid of the dark, hmm?"

Fidgeting restlessly, he denied my allegation with a head shake, "two is better than one, right? I just want to find Hei Shui sooner."

I rolled my eyes hearing the urgency in his voice, "no need to worry, he loves himself so much that he wouldn't hurt himself."

"I hope you are right, but..."

"But what?" I folded my arms on my chest and shifted my weight on my feet.

"Even if he doesn't plan to do something bad to himself, he can still miss the training."

I felt my mouth drop to the ground with astonishment. "You don't think the old guy IV is actually different from the other old guys, right?"

Annoying looked at me with a strange gaze. "He is different, I know he is," he said determinedly.

"How do you know that?" I said wryly as the rumors about the old guy IV were too shady.

Sadness flashed through his eyes before he said "my brother told me so, he was also a representative here."

A sudden curiosity seized me, but there was something in his tone which told me he didn't want to talk about it. Therefore, I said "let's find the brat then."

The sadness in his eyes dispersed immediately as he nodded wholeheartedly. Then he attempted to climb back to the wall, but I grabbed him from his sash before I jumped onto the top of the wall in only two moves. After the initial shock, Annoying clenched on me like a koala, afraid of falling, and before he even realised, we were on the other side.

"I knew I made a good choice, choosing you," he said as his eyes shifted between the wall and the ground, his mouth pursed with an appreciative manner.

I rolled my eyes, did he really not know me being half-demon? I clicked my tongue before saying, "do you believe me now? He can't climb the wall, let alone do it in the dark."

Annoying nodded, but refused to retreat. "We are already here, so let's look around to be sure," he mumbled and started to walk in the opposite direction, without waiting for my reply.

I could leave him there alone, it was the most logical thing to do, but somehow I found myself following him. He was indeed annoying, but his determination and kindness deserved appreciation. Although he kept tripping over rocks or dead branches, his hair getting caught in the branches and his body trembling with the cold, he continued his search, not believing me that Sly wasn't around.

I followed him behind silently, not too close or far. As I could see perfectly, I directed him and he thanked me each time. Like that and without even realising, we got very far from the temple. Only when we saw the first lights of the day, did it dawn on us.

"Oh damn!" Annoying exclaimed, "how far are we?" he asked with a shaky voice, apprehension apparent in his eyes.

I looked around with lazy eyes, making it obvious that I didn't care a bit about missing the training although I was sad about missing the breakfast, "pretty far, we can't catch it."

"No..." he shook his head, disbelieving, "if we hurry up, we can catch it," he said firmly, then started to run towards the temple. I followed him by walking, but my steps were fast.

As the ground was hard, covered with branches and stones; the trees were too dense and he was active for hours on an empty stomach, soon he got tired. Leaning forward, his hands on his knees, he asked "can't you do anything? Otherwise we will miss it."

I looked at him coldly, "what do you want, carrying you on my back? Is this why you wanted me to come? To use me fully?"

He stared at me, as if horrified, "no no, you got me wrong!" he declared as he took a step towards me, but I took a step back, preserving the distance between us.

"Really? Then good luck on your way back," I said sardonically before disappearing from his sight.

Now thinking back, I acknowledge that my reaction was unnecessarily harsh. It was only logical for Annoying to choose the one with the most talent and will to help him. Still, by that time, a part of me wanted to believe that his choice was an emotional one, that he felt I was comfortable to be around with.

Silly, I know, but I couldn't help but be offended.

As a result, I managed to catch the training while Annoying arrived in the middle of it. 

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