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"A'Hong, what are you doing?"

I looked at Mu Ning with confusion, "putting an eye patch?"

"Yes exactly, why?" he said as he hauled it from my grip, "you don't need that."

"I just don't want you to be bothered," I said honestly.

After we got together, we decided to be wanderers, helping people for an exchange of a cup of meal. Although the rumors about a half-demon defeating the entire Demon Valley spread everywhere, some people still feared me if not hated me. I was okay with the treatment as I experienced much worse before, but I couldn't let Mu Ning suffer because of me. Therefore, I came up with this solution: if they didn't see my red eye, they wouldn't know I was a half-demon, right?

Mu Ning heaved a sigh and tossed the eye-patch to the ground before grabbing my shoulders. "I am not bothered, not at all. You are the reason why these people live in peace, so don't let their ignorance hurt you. I swear I am so happy to be with you."

Brimming with love and gratitude, I leaned forward and circled my arms around his thin waist, my head resting on his shoulder. How could a human being be so nice, so kind all the time?

"So, will you take the eye-patch?" he asked when we broke the hug.

"No," I said firmly with a smile.

"Good boy," he said teasingly as he grabbed my palm up and placed a small object, "here, your reward."

It was a candy... Like he promised, whenever we reached a village, Mu Ning was being sure to get some candy for me. Holding the candy tight in my hand, I raised Mu Ning's head by his chin, "I love you so much, A'Ning," I said without any embarrassment and stole a chaste kiss from his addicting lips.

"I love you too, A'Hong," he said with equally love-filled eyes, making this half-demon the happiest man alive.


This is the end... I hope you liked it^^

🌺Thank you so much for the buttercups who were with me through this journey and were extremely kind to vote and comment on my story. 🌺

If you liked this story, you can check my other stories; My Beloved Enemy, Soul Lock and His Destined Love, which kind of fall into the same genre 💗

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