19. Too Late...?

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When I opened my eyes, I realised that I was tied to one of Huo generals and we were on a horse. Panic seized my heart as I could see the first lights of the day behind the silhouettes of trees.

We left the temple already...

I wondered if Mu Ning was at the wall, waiting for me, who wasn't able to come. The disappointed image of Mu Ning filled my mind and brought a new resolution for me.

I should fight back... I even set Sly on fire with a single glance... I can do it, I repeated a few times and tried to channel my inner energy to loosen the curse, if not break it.

I tried and tried, but the curse was too strong. I could barely move my two fingers which wasn't helpful at all. I started to lose my hope as the sun shifted its position a lot of times and disappeared to rest for the night.

With that, the old man signed his men to an inn on the road, and they went there to pass the night, leaving me on the ground near the horses.

I didn't sleep at all, my eyes stuck on the dark sky as if it could tell me about Mu Ning. The night breeze brushed my messy hair like he did before, and I whispered "I am so sorry, Mu Ning", hoping the kind breeze would carry my apology to him.

When the sun rose, we hit the road again. After a brain-burning concentration for more than a day, now I could move eight of my fingers. Amazing, right?

We rode and rode without a rest and when we reached Huo, something happened.

I saw a young soldier with a red robe running towards us. Panting hard, he said "General, our soldiers from Huo-Mu border sent a message, saying Mu has fallen!"

My vision darkened.

Mu has fallen...

A boiling anger and anxiety hit me hard and I felt my body shaking like hell. A surging power rose inside me and the curse mark shone threateningly. The pain was so overwhelming, but I didn't have any intention to give up. I kept fighting with bloody tears in my eyes and suddenly a voice like porcelain shattering was heard as the upper part of the flamed-shaped curse mark exploded.

I can control my body!

"Hong Huo, stop!" the old man commanded as he saw me pushing his beloved general off the horse.

With the command, the sizzling pain came, but I had the control, "in your dreams!" I shouted and spurred the horse towards Mu Clan. In a normal time, I would never leave before killing the bastards, but by that time all I could think was Mu Ning. Therefore, with full force I rode the horse as the lights of the day started to fade.

Unfortunately, the news was true, Mu was indeed chaotic. The sounds of shouting, crying and clashing filled the air as the only dominant color was red. Blood red.

The freaks of the Demon Valley were attacking Mu people with terrifying laughter.

You may call me cold-blooded or evil, but I didn't pay any attention to the happenings. I passed corpses, injureds, fighting or running soldiers, trying to find Mu Ning as soon as possible. Still, when I encountered a freak, I set it on fire with a glance and continued to run around.

When I reached the main palace, my heart jolted suddenly even before I saw the familiar figure lying on the ground lifelessly, inside a pool of blood.

Mu Ning...

I rushed to him with my heart in my mouth. Gently, I raised his upper body and made him lean on my chest. He was covered in blood and bruises, and I could see the nasty stab wound on his stomach.

My heart dropped at the sight.

"Mu Ning," I called out his name repeatedly as my fingers wiped the blood stains on his pale face. The redness of the blood showed his face even more ghastly, so I couldn't let any drop left on him.

Slowly, he half opened his eyes, "I... knew... you... would... come," he whispered weakly.

"I am sorry... I am so sorry to be late but let me compensate," I said with a trembling voice and wanted to give him my blood, but he stopped me with his cold hand.

"Now... I... understand..." he moved his hand to my remaining curse mark on my garment with great difficulty, "a... willing... soul..."

"What do you mean?" I asked, sniffing, but then I saw the remaining curse mark shone in green under his hand. Before I could process what was happening, the curse mark made a shattering sound before exploding just like the upper part. A magnificent power let free inside my veins.

"Goodbye..." Mu Ning whispered with a smile, a thin line of blood trickling down from the corner of his lips, and his hand fell limply on his lap.

"NO!" I cried out and smashed my lips on his unmoving one after biting my bottom lip hard to draw blood. I kept kissing him with the metallic taste of the blood, fear shaking all my existence. I couldn't believe he sacrificed himself to break my curse mark, but I knew I couldn't live without him.

"Please..." I whispered into the kiss, my hands tight around his cold body.

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