Part 3

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There was fire all around the room and a loud voice that shouted something and the words echoed from the walls.
Cole closed his eyes wanted to protect his brain from these words by pressing his hands on his ears but he couldn't move his arms.
He couldn't move anything but his head.
Something was odd.
He felt strange, weak, he had never felt like this before.
It was like something in his body was missing, a creature layed down for eternal sleep.
But also he now felt the licking flames encircling him, ready to burn his skin down to the flesh and bone and then burn him completely.
He could feel how his skin began to itch in the scorching heat, how the voices grew to a maximum and louder so that his head almost burst and his ears bleed.
He could feel how his lungs got filled with smoke and ash particles as he triet to breath and the voices became screaming.
He could feel how his innermost slowly tried to wake up again and how he straightened out towards it, tried to reach it, to keep it.

Cole opened his eyes, he straightened up, his heart was racing and he gasped for air.

Another nightmare. But it felt so real...

Cole's head throbbed and he felt sick as he tried to forget the weird feeling this nightmare had filled him with.

"It was just a dream ...", he assured himself in his mind.

It was the middle of the night, but Cole couldn't think of sleep anymore either, even though he felt the tiredness, weighing down his lids.

But it was impossible.

Too many things had happened.

Kai loved him.

Still this thought filled him with so much joy and he could not wait to finally be able to even share a room with his boyfriend.

Nya and Jay were not allowed to do so so he and Kai did not even try to ask the senseis.

But somehow they will manage it.

But not yet.

Again there were too many things to think of first.

Cole sat on the side of the bed so that his feet were hanging down.

He got a headache and his eyes burned as the nightmare again crept in his mind.

He stood up and walked to the window opening the blinds to see the nightsky which always had comforted him because there is nothing as permanent as the trillions of stars and their constellations in their wonderful black firmament.

But instead he saw the red-eyed charred face glaring at him.

He was so glad he did not see it or the mouth full of sharp teeth which he now was totally convinced it belonged to this creature, in the nightmare he just had that this encounter hit him with such a power he saw stars on his own.

Because this time he was 100 percent sure he was not dreaming.

But as he blinked, the creature was gone and left a beautiful free sight at the firmament which did NOT comfort Cole now.

Feeling sick, he ran into the bathroom at the end of the hall.

As soon as he entered the bathroom, he immediately rushed to the toilet and vomited.

He spat out everything he had probably eaten in the past 24 hours and suddenly there was blood again.

"Why do I spit blood ...", Cole whispered in panic.

He got up and everything around him was blurry.

His vision was hazy and before he knew it he fell over and landed hard on the floor, and contemporaneous his ears were ringing again.

He rubbed his head and groaned.

Everything throbbed and boomed in his head.

And there was that voice again ... or was it screaming? Who was it?

It sounds familiar and also totally not...

Cole felt something coming up again and he pulled himself over the toilet.

Blood again.

Then he just layed there for a few more minutes until the throbbing and pain in his head stopped.

He had a disgusting taste in his mouth and a queasy feeling in his stomach.

Then he got up slowly and carefully, washed his hands and mouth, when suddenly the door opened.

As if frozen and startled, he paused.

"Cole? Are you okay ???", it was Zane.

He dried his hands and turned to face Zane.

"Sure, why not?", he tried to grin, but it was a futile attempt.

"I heard a noise and ... Are you sure everything is okay ??", Zane eyed him worriedly and Cole felt bad when he just nodded and tried to avoid the worried wide eyes of the Nindroid and stared instead at the ground.

"I am sorry I just needed the toilet badly so I did not focus on being careful to not wake you guys up. But you know, after that lasagna", Cole tried a funny laugh but failed and went silent.

Akward situation and as much as he wanted Zane to believe him and just let it be he also couldn't care less what Zane would think.

Something was definitely wrong with the master of earth and sooner or later he had to tell someone.

His hands were shaking and he hid them in his hoddies pockets.

Later. Later....

Zane nodded slowly.

"Okay..", he said drawn out and then obviously wanted to say something more but Cole already quickly pushed past Zane, out of the bathroom.

"Well, I'm going back to bed, good night," he said and then disappeared.

"I hope no one else woke up," he thought on the way back into his room.

The raven-haired boy quickly went back to bed.

He wasn't expecting to fall asleep when sleep suddenly overwhelmed him and did not even give him a chance to think more about what had just happened.

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