Part 3

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Cole's PoV:
"You idiot !!", the golden knight shouted at Cole and the black ninja closed his eyes tightly in fear.

"Flora help", he whispered softly and then he actually felt a hand on his shoulder.

But it wasn't his mother, it was Lou.

He had taken off his helmet, as had the other Citizens of Ninjago, as Cole now discovered.

"Let go of me", he hissed angrily at his father.

"You brought us the wrong guy!", snapped the leader at Lou, seething with rage.

"I haven't!", Lou snapped back, his voice as cold as the ringleaders, and Cole's heart pounded and he could barely breathe.

"You betrayed me, Lou", he muttered.

"Cole, I-", Lou began but the golden knight interrupted him harshly.

"I once said it Lou, I don't care about your family drama, but you had a mission!"

"He is the earth master", Lou whispered, Cole looked away.

He felt so weak, so tired.

"I know. But he is not anymore! You warned him!!", the ringleader barked, Lou flinched but then stood his place the same second.

"I did not. Someone else must have told him about you needing his element. Anyways, it doesn't matter anymore. Because here and now, I will take my son out of thi-..."

"Enough!!", the ringleader burst out, his eyes more red than ever and he hit Lou with such strength the eldery man stumbled backwards and fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Dad!!", Cole called.

Whatever his father had done, he was still his father just as Cole has always been his son.

The leader of the soul knights looked at Cole for a long time and the black-haired man needed all his courage not to avoid the glowing look and staring back.

"A long time ago ...", the golden armored man began to tell unexpectedly.


"A long time ago, there was a place called Gmaurin.

We, me and my people, all lived peacefully together with our Father, the Creator.

As the name suggests, he was able to create anything you can imagine!

He built houses, grew plants, created a huge lake and like this he shaped our city of Gmaurin.

He was one with the earth and nature.

He had created us too, so as not to be so lonely and to share his happiness.

He was just like your first spinjitzu master, the man who had allowed us to settle down here in the first place.

Under one condition: We must never interact with humans or else, bad things will happen.

This was what our father had told us, only he knew the reason why.

But so we lived in peace, far away from those humans.

Surrounded by beautiful mountains and he lived in the biggest of them.

One day the creator got seriously ill.

We needed a cure.

A plant that only grew in Ninjago City.

Some of us, including myself, set out to find it, even though our father forbid us to go.

But how could we watch him die?

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