Part 5

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Kai's PoV:
Kai had been waiting for Cole's father on the park bench for 5 minutes now and his impatience grew.

"Why does he suddenly want to talk to me?", he asked himself and watched some birds quarreling for berries on a nearby bush while chirping loudly.

They had never have any contact...

It was already getting dark and the setting sun turned everything into a red-yellow light, while the last visitors of the park went home.

Kai rolled his eyes, hated latecomers, even though he was one of them himself.

The deserted park was quiet now and that's why Kai flinched when he suddenly heard a clacking sound.

Steps that were coming towards him.

He got up and in the light of the evening sun recognized a ... soul knight who was walking directly towards him on the path.

Kai winced at first in shock, but then got ready to fight when he suddenly received a hard hit on the back of the head.

Kai fell to the ground, everything was blurry as his head was throbbing in pain.

Then he vaguely recognized one of the knights who leaned down and pressed a syringe, probably containing anesthetic, into his arm.

Kai's vision shook and became foggy, but he could still see something before it was black.

The knight who gave him the syringe was numbered 3417.


Kai slowly opened his eyes and realized that he was chained to a chair in a dark room.

He smelled the musty smell of earth and when he looked up he saw a stone ceiling.

"I'm in a cave under the earth..." he muttered softly when he heard footsteps coming closer.

"Did you sleep well?", asked the soul knight when he stopped in front of him.

It was the knight with the number 3417.

"Who are you?", growled Kai. "And what do you want from me?"

"Oh, we don't want anything from you", came another voice suddenly from the shadows.

It was quiet, threatening, and deep.

And then a great golden knight stepped up to the shackled red ninja.

"We want your friend Cole, the elemental master of the earth", the undertone of the golden knight was dark and ominous.

"They can't be sure Cole is the earth master, this is a trick, is it?", Kai asked himself and tried a tactic that he had learned from Jay: denial.

"Cole is not the earth master! He is the master of tel ...", he began, but 3417 interrupted him.

"Shut up!", he growled.

Kai huffed. "I had a arrange with someone, if I don't show up, he'll worry and call my friends", he said, not so sure if Lou would do any of this.

"And you better pray for mercy then!", his voice sounded braver than he in fact felt.

3417 burst into laughter.

"Oh, Kai. You are so naive"

And Kai recognized the voice.

"Lou", he whispered.

3417, or better known as Lou, did not even move at that uncovering, he did not care.

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