Part 5

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Cole's POV:
Later they all sat together at the table in the kitchen and just looked at each other in silence.

Cole played nervously with the handle of the teacup in front of him and hardly dared to breathe, while Kai rubbed his other hand in soothing motions even though he looked just as nervous.

Mistaké was there too, she had accompanied the ninja here, and Cole can guess why.

Still, they had not even shared one word.

Finally, Wu cleared his throat loudly.

"Mistaké, let's start with you", he asked the old lady next to him and looked at her with narrowed eyes.

The whole situation looked more like a questioning in a courtroom.

"You know more than you want to admit about these soul knights. Why?", continued the Sensei.

Kai had already told Cole everything about the visit to Mistaké, and that she suddenly went back home with the ninja with great concern for Cole.

Cole hadn't been surprised that she worried about him but after all that happened, why did she let her guard down now??

If she would've spill everything before, they could've stopped the soul knights before they invaded their house.

Before they nearly killed children in a fire.

Before they found Cole.

Was she that much of a coward?

"Her daughter died because of them..., no wonder she kept silent and is scared now", he recalled himself and all the anger towards her disappeared.

No one is to blame for this.

They would've found him anyway.

"Why did you lie when the knights asked about Cole's element?", Lloyd asked the old woman after she didn't answer Wu's question.

"How did you even do that Cole? To defeat them all? But apparently to have done nothing", Garmadon asked suddenly and Mistake looked at Cole horrified.

The many skeptical looks that were now directed at Cole unsettled him even more and for a moment he wished he could sink into the ground.

Then suddenly he felt two cold hands on his shoulders and his heartbeat slowed down again.

Flora was here.

She was with him, as she probably always was, but only now could he perceive it.

"Well I ...", Cole started ...

and then he told them everything.

From the creature in the fire, the first encounter with the dead, cold woman, who later turned out to be his mother, to the moment, just 2 hours ago, when he had found this out and how they had finally fought together against the soul knights.

The ninja listened intently, but looked as if Cole had lost his mind now completely.

Mistaké face was unreadable.

"They are ...", Cole paused.

Kai took his boyfriend's hand and squeezed it gently.

With a calm look he showed Cole that he should go on, that everything was okay and that they believed him.

Cole shook his head to put his thoughts in order and then looked Mistaké in the eye.

She gave him a look that Cole couldn't correctly interpret, but there was sadness, understanding and love in it.

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