Part 1

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(now before we go on, please read this or else the whole timeline will make no sense to you.... this is a headcanon of mine, because it seems to me that ninjago is 'too young', but let me explain:
the fsm created ninjago, then there were wu and garmadon, who by now are around 100 years old.
we know they both fought with the generation of maya, ray, the ice master before zane and jay's real mother.
in one clip we even saw cole's grandfather (which is really weird because cole's mother was also a earth master before cole, still his grandfather fought with the rest of the ninjas parents...)
but anyways...

as you see, there seems to be only one generation before the ninjas!

in this book - no.

the creation of ninjago was 1000s of years ago.

but now you'll think "ey, wu and garmadon can't be like 5000 years old... again... no. (hehe)

Long before time had a name, the first spinjitzmaster - a product of oni and dragon combined - created ninjago.

to gave peace to this lands, he formed the first elemental masters: ice, fire, water, earth and lightning.

as time went on, new elemental powers formed out of the first ones.

many years of peace and harmony later...

as the serpentine war began the elemental masters had trouble defeating the snakes, as they never fought such evil.

so the fsm sent help.

he himself went down to earth, gave the lands another creation and raised it far away from the citizens on a safe place.

his two sons.

he made them out of what he himself was - oni and dragon.



Wu and Garmadon.

as they were old enough, he sent them to the elemental masters aid, becoming their senseis.

teaching them what they got taught...

being a ninja.

The next day arrrived with beautiful sunshine and a nearly cloudless sky.

Birds were chirping and even though the air was cool, the sun rays spent some warmth.

Inside, all of the Ninja did not feel as calm and happy as all of the citizens of Ninjago must feel right now.

Not happy, joyus, calm because of the wonderful weather even though it was late atumn.

They felt nervous, excited of what was coming.

And they were sure - something was coming

Cole was even worse.

He was tired since he hadn't got any sleep last night.

After his guard he laid curled up in his bed, trying to sort his thoughts and hoping the woman would return with more answers.

She did not.

So Cole stayed the whole night up, kind of anxious about everything.

The soulknights want him.

What are they able to do to achieve what they want?

As much as Cole just wanted to sneak into Kai's room and talk to him - he couldn't.

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