Part 4

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Merlin took a deep breath and sat on the ground gesturing for the rest of the people in the room to do the same.
"I suppose it starts with a prophecy that was made by Sybill Trelawney in 1979. The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies.... But this prophecy had a sister prophecy, I do not know the exact words but it spoke a child forgotten and neglected, a child who would grow to be the bane of those who abandoned him, who would bring balance between all magic, who would save the world from the wrath of the deities. A child born of magic, for magic, to serve his mother. A child of the deities to save us all. That was the gist of the sister prophecy, but both prophecies were not set in stone until that fateful night when the self-proclaimed Dark Lord set out to take one of the children, now he did not know of the great prophecy only the sister prophecy, more commonly known as the forgotten prophecy, he intended to prevent it by taking the child that would be neglected and raise the child as his own on the 'Dark Side'. When Dumbledore arrived and put a stop to that by firing the killing curse at Hadrian, he sealed the twin prophecies and his fate. Both Dumbledore and Voldemort escaped that night, Dumbledore then claimed Hadrian's sister as the child of the prophecy, not knowing about the forgotten prophecy, making sure that Hadrian would not get in his way by neglecting him and making sure everyone forgot him. This would make it easier for him to dispose of the boy when the time came. Tom however was searching for the boy so that he could raise him away from his neglecting family, not because of a prophecy but because he didn't want any more children to suffer as he had. Now the Potter's were proud of their boy and forced Hadrian into the shadows making it hard for Tom Riddle to find the boy. Now the Potter told the public that Hadrian's magic was so weak that it made him more susceptible to illness so they had an excuse as to why he was never around. Tonight was the Potter twin's and Heir Longbottom's fourth birthday and a two-way celebration was organised, they had completely forgotten Hadrian. Hadrian did not see the banner or comprehend that he was not remembered which was lucky. The boy's godparent's and friend Dr Rose Payne are to be thanked for keeping him busy enough that he didn't notice. At the party he did a truly spectacular display of magic involving a deck of cards from the Malfoy family. His parents nor Dumbledore noticed so they were still under the impression that he had no magic and was a squib. No one could sense a magical core within the boy because his magic was just that, pure magic combined form all of the deities. His core contains the forces of death, life, time, fate, and pure magic itself. There is too much power in his core that it overrides anything trying to sense his magic. The boy was told that he would be leaving to live with his muggle aunt after the party. The boy ran away and was intercepted by Cinis in his adult form he then brought the boy here before he transformed and that leads us too here." Merlin took several breaths after finishing his lengthy explanation of the boy's life.

The group sat in shock wondering how such a young child could be put through so much. In each of their respected lives magical children, children in general, were gifts to be worshipped and treated with love and care, they were not bestowed to people who didn't want them or who wouldn't care for them. Children were considered to be the best thing that could happen to a couple and whoever disrespected them was punished severely. Lord Slytherin was having the hardest time wrapping his head around the fact that a child, and a powerful magical one no less, had been forgotten by his parents and treated no better than a shadow on the wall. The Snake Lords scowl caused the rest of his friends to lean away from him. All familiar with what that scowl incurred. Gryffindor put a calming hand on Salazar's back gently massaging circles to help calm him down. Morgana and Rowena could both see the pink tinges that dusted both men's cheeks. They were so oblivious sometimes! The two women hid giggles behind their hands, Helga soon joined in realising what was so funny. This only made Salazar and Godric blush deeper, but neither moved away from the other.

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