Part 6

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October 21st, 1984,
3 weeks after the twin's 4th birthday party (The one where Hadrian ran away)
Potter Manor.

The Potter family was a very respectable family, thank you very much. They prided themselves on being well known and well loved by the wizarding world. And a lot of that fame came from their daughter, Evie Potter, the Girl-Who-Lived, the saviour of the magical world, Golden Girl, the girl who defeated Voldemort. But that fame came at a price, it turned the once decent people who were Lily and James Potter into people who would do anything for a bit of publicity, whether it be exploiting their daughter, who didn't mind and loved the attention, to forgetting they had another child entirely. There was one person who could have stopped this, and what did he do? Sit back and eat sherbet lemons.

Albus Dumbledore was sitting in his office, surrounded by his intricate monitoring devices that whirred and hummed. Every single one of them was tied in some way to his puppet, Evie, there were several that kept him informed of her and her parents wellbeing, there were three that were tied to the Potter Manor wards, and many others. But every single one could be traced back to the Girl-Who-Lived. Albus stared at one machine, a silver spinning wheel. For almost three years now the thread that had been produced from this wheel had been black. Whenever the person that this wheel was tied to was well and cared for the thread would come out silver, but whenever the target was unhappy, abused, or feeling strong negative emotions, the string would come out black. And for about three years, the string had been black as night. But what intrigued Dumbledore about this instrument was that for the past two-three weeks, the string had been getting lighter and lighter, and as of that moment it was the purest silver with only a few flecks of black. Now this wheel was tied to none other than Hadrian Sirius Severus Remus Potter, twin brother of Evangeline Evan Potter.

It was as Dumbledore sat pondering that his floo went off, James, Lily, and Evangeline Potter stepped out onto his rug.
"Why hello! My dears what has brought you here today?"
"Dumbledore- OOF!" James was cut off by an elbow to the stomach from Lily
"Professor Dumbledore James!" Lily hissed at him through gritted teeth.
"Anyway, Hadrian is missing! We remembered that you asked him to drop him off at the Dursley's place, and we went to go get him, but he wasn't there! We asked the house elves to search the house and bring him to us, when they said he wasn't there! We were so worried! I mean, what if he did it to try and make us forget our precious Evie! Attention seeking brat!" Dumbledore sighed. He knew that this might have been the case, he knew that the Potters weren't as kind as they could be to their oldest son. But ever since the thread from the wheel had been getting lighter, he'd been the feeling that he'd had made the biggest mistake that a person could make, he had let a child be neglected and done nothing about it.

"I will contact the Auror office and get them to conduct a search, he must have been taken! He would not run away from such a loving family! James you will need to give a statement to the public about what your son looks like and who might have taken him. Lily you will need to make sure Evie is kept away from all of the action, she loved her brother and will be heartbroken at this loss. Before you go, I will need a full account of what happened." Dumbledore's voice was full of authority and false worry.
"Sure," Started Lily, "As you know, Hadrian has no magic, not even the strongest wizards with mage sense could feel any within him. So we decided it would be better for him to be raised in the muggle world and have a chance at a normal life instead of growing up jealous of everyone who could do magic. We were going to give him to my sister to raise, she had a young boy a bit older than Hadrian so we thought she would be the best candidate, if that didn't work out we would have sent him to an orphanage. Anyway, on the night of July 31st we asked him to pack anything he wanted to take with him because he was going to go on a holiday. He went off to his bedroom to pack his bag and we haven't heard anything from him since, we thought he must be hiding so we searched the whole house, we then came straight to you headmaster, because he had been kidnapped and we need to find him." James nodded along sadly with this woven tale while Evie giggled along in the background.
"Thank you for that Lily, I know it must be hard on you. You may go home now." Dumbledore said in a patronizing voice that many would mistake for sympathy.

Albus sat in his office bent over his desk with a quill in hand, sitting up, he read over the letter he had written.

Dear Auror Dawlish,

There has been a recent incident involving the capture of a mister Hadrian Potter, his family are distraught at the thought that the dark side may have taken their eldest child. They are in a period of mourning and do not wish to be bombarded by the public, so I would like you to investigate this privately. If you do happen to find the boy, please bring him straight to the Potter residence. May you need incentive to keep this quiet you will find enclosed a cheque which will let you withdraw 1,500G from Gringotts.

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore,
Supreme Mugwump,
Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot,
Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

It was short and succinct. And with some undetectable compulsion charms on it, Dawlish would have no chance at resisting the request. Sitting back with his arms behind his head, Dumbledore contemplated the situation. The boy was out of the way, but he was happy, which was one step forward and two steps back in his plan. The boy was supposed to be raised unhappy and neglected, by his parents or his aunt it didn't matter, then Dumbledore was supposed to swoop in and save him. Making him eternally Loyal to the light side, so that there would be nothing he could do that would prevent Evie from fulfilling her true destiny. Her brother was the only thing that had ever presented a threat to her position. And if said brother was eternally loyal, well that would eliminate said threat. But if the boy was happy and cared for, it would present Dumbledore with the problem that he might remember all that he and the Potters had done to him. He might be angry and want revenge. No, Dumbledore would have to find him and neutralise him. One way or another.

Fawkes the phoenix sat chained to his perch by the bearded mans foul magic. The man that he taken her away from her family, who had taken her as a pet and named her and given her a gender that did not suit her. She was expected to be a he just because this old fraud had told her so. She was expected to be this man's familiar because he had been smart and evil enough to take her away from where she belonged. Phoenixes had great power and were able to read humans and animals alike just by looking at them, they could tell if the object of scrutiny had a familiar, if they had a mate, if they had good intentions or bad ones, and if they were powerful or weak. The phoenix could the decide if they would be loyal to said object of scrutiny or if they would leave them to be. It was considered a crime to take a phoenix against it's will, and the bearded one had definitely not taken her willingly. But when Fawkes looked at Dumbledore, she could tell that this man was full of sinful intentions, and phoenixes did not use the word sin lightly, normal faults of humans like greed and pride were not considered sins in their minds, no, sin had three levels, the first abuse of a child, second, abuse of a race/group of people and third, abuse of power. Only the phoenixes could tell who had sinned and who was pure, and this man here had committed all three levels of sin.

As Fawkes looked straight into Dumbledore's soul she trilled sadly at what she saw, and Dumbledore winced when the sound pierced his ears, for it could only be heard by those with good intentions and only they would not be burned by it. Fawkes's sad trilling increased in volume and Dumbledore shot a silencing charm in her direction. Another crime in itself. Fawkes then perched sullenly upon her stand. Watching as the man in front of her continued to plot, thinking of ways to escape, and mourning for those who would be hurt be this man's schemes.

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