Chapter 9

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After you finished doing your paperwork, which went surprisingly well, thanks to having a new, and skilled helper, you found out, that it would be nice to ask Kaga about her sister

Y/N:How is your sister, Kaga?

Kaga ,at the moment, was checking out books, that she stored inside her private desk

Kaga:Well, she is feeling good enough, to do most of the things, she was doing before the "incident"

Then you remembered what she went through and looked at the floor sadly

Y/N:You mean, that, right?

Kaga did the same


Y/N:Did she get over it?

Kaga:As long as nobody reminds her of it, then yes, but as soon as she hears his name, or sees a picture of him, she breaks down in tears, and will keep crying, until she goes to sleep

Y/N:That's awful


Then, Kaga remembered one thing, and immediately perked up

Kaga:Hey, Y/N, remember, when I suggested, that you should visit her? Let's go now! We don't have anything to do! And it's barely 2 P.M!

Y/N:But it's Tuesday! What if someone sees me slacking off, and reports to Lady Nagato?

Kaga then looked away a little bit and whispered quietly

Kaga:It actually is a bit more complicated than that

Little did she know, you heard her well

Y/N:"Let's play along, and wait until she explains me what she meant by that. Maybe Akagi will explain it by herself." Hm? Did you say something?

Kaga:That was nothing, now let's go!


Kaga:No buts! Now come!

She took you by your hand and walked with you throught the port to the Hospital. You were getting a lot of weird expressions from the people on the street. Some were looking scared, while some just smiled and waved to both of you. You waved back

Kaga:"Crap, it totally looks like we are married. I think I saw Akashi smiling wryly. I will need to visit her and see what she wants"

When you got to the Hospital, Kaga knocked on the correct door, and a voice of pretty mature woman answered

???:Come in!

As you entered, Akagi was sitting at the table, and drinking green tea

Akagi:I knew it was you Kaga! Is this your husband? Why didn't you invite me for a wedding?

Kaga was annoyed by constant impressions people were getting of you two, and gritted her teeth. She took a deep breath in, and out, and answered her sister in sueprisingly calm voice

Kaga:Because there was no wedding. I am just his secretary, and we were going to visit you, since we finished today's work

Akagi then smiled softly

Akagi:I see

Then she gestured you to sit down in front of her

Akagi:Come and sit down both of you. I will share some tea with you

You did as she said, then all three of you were having a lot of good talk. The atmosphere was so good, that you felt as if you were at home. Speaking of home, you wonder what is going on in the real world. To be blunt, you didn't care much about it anyways. Now, this is your home. At least here you are not the one paying respects (F), but the one recieving them. Maybe you will have a family one day? But with whom?

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