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This idea is from billsbaby12

So yeah..

It was late night as the two couples were in target
Billie was inpatient and wanted to go while Micheal was still picking out food

Babe can you get me the chips ?"Micheal asked

Billie looked him up and down and rolled her eyes and took the chips and threw them into the cart

Micheal just ignored it

He tried to get her attention but she was ignoring him

Bille !"he said a bit louder

What the fuck do you want !"she rolled her eyes

Micheal was shocked by his fiancé's attitude

He went to the cashier and paid and left with her following behind

They got in the car

What the fuck is wrong with you !"his voice loud

She was quite

Oh Now you can't speak!"he said in disbelief

He grabbed her chind to make her look at him

You better pray to god that i don't cripple you!"he growled ghen let her go

Billie on the other side was turned on this is what she wanted the whole time

But at the same she was scared
She used her hoodie to cover her face

Cover yourself all you want that hoodie will get ripped off you !"he pointed while driving

She stepped out of the car and walked quick

She heard the car door slammed and footsteps behind her

You think you can run away!"He growled in her ear then carried her over his shoulder

He walked in the house
And went upstairs and slapped her ass
Making her quietly moan

He dropped her on the bed and went between her legs

Awww is the whore turned on"he cooed

She shook her head

You sure you're not wet?"he smirked

Her blue ocean eyes where filled with lust

He opened her legs bug she kept trying to close them

He ripped her shorts off making her let out a hiss

He could see the wet spots on her underwear

He ripped making it unwearable again

She closed her legs but Micheal is stronger

There we go" he chuckled
She whimpered

The cold air hit her pussy making her shiver

You said you wasn't wet?"he smirked

Her whole pussy was dripping with cum

He dipped his finger in her whole and brought it out making a string of cum

As she felt his cold finger dip inside of her making let out a quite moan/shiver

I need you "she whispered

What was that?"he said

I want you "she said louder
She kept thrusting her hips back and fort

He ignored her and ripped her hoodie off

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