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Caleb pov:
Lately Billie has being mean and idk why
Like she will roll her her eyes at me like tf did I do

We are now watching a movie
I put my arm around her

Move"she said
She kept stirring trying to get my arm of her

Why I always do this "I asked confused

Well not today "she rolled her eyes

Is she cheating on me ?

Are you cheating or sum"I raised my voice removing my arm

She looked suprised at my accusation

W-What"she stutter

So you are? "I asked my voice cracking
I stood up

No baby"she came closer

Don't "I stepped back
Then why Are you being mean to me If you aren't cheating?"I asked trying to keep my voice down

She looked down

Answer me"my voice raising

Mood swings "She raised her voice

So you're pregnant?"I asked

Not yet "she smirked coming closer

I'm horny all the time and we haven't fucked in like 3 months because we're planning the damn wedding "she said fed up and sitting back on the couch

I then understood who I'm about to marry

I horny bitch

I sat on the couch next to her making her look at me
She was about to say something
But I pulled her into a kiss

The kiss became heated with her crawling on my lap
She wrapped her arms around my neck

I swiped my tongue around her lip letting me in her mouth
She moaned
Our tongue fought for dominance
I won obviously

She started grinding on me making me groan

He layed her on the couch getting on top of her
He ripped her blouse took off her sweat pants

She was in a sexy lingerine (idk if that's how you write it)

She grinned

Like what you see"she smirked
A lot "He immediately rip them off her
Making her hiss
He went to her neck sucking it till it's purple

She hummed watching him go down and tease her
She threw her head back as he sucked her boobs leaving marks there too

He arrived the neediest place
He saw pre-cum all over her pussy making it more wetter

Have you being playing with yourself "he asked swiping a finger up her slit

She shiver as his cold finger touch her
She nodded to his answer

She couldn't lie to him it will everything worst for her

He nodded taking of his sweatpants revealing his 14inch

She could have sworn it wasn't that big before

Before she knew it he rammed all of him in her
Making her scream in pain

She didn't have time to adjust because he was pounding her tight hole

Which hasn't really being stretched in 3months

She looked up at him grabbing his arm
He was just smirking down at her

Her eyes filled with tears
Too big"she whispered in pain
AHhHhhhhh"she screamed

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