Neighbor(is that how you spell it?idgaf)

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Caleb pov
I just moved into this new neighborhood
But it's not really a "neighborhood "
On one block there is two houses next to each other

An then there is another block but it's far away

I moved out of my parents house cuz why not

I'm currently putting my clothes in my closet

Which is the last thing i have to do

Next day~~

Billie pov

I heard that someone moved in next to me yesterday
But i could care less

I went to my balcony to see how the weather is and I saw the finest man I've ever see-

My eyes widen
He could get it-
Not that will happen

I went out and knocked on his door

Caleb pov

I heard someone knock on my door and before i opened it i forgot to put a shirt on

As i opened the door I saw a blonde woman who looked exactly my age

Hi"I smiled

Hi my name is Billie and I heard you moved in yesterday my house is next door. Maybe we can be friends "She smiled

That didn't sound bad
I let her in

We started having a conversation about why i /she moved in this neighborhood

One year

Billie and Caleb were like best friends if you didn't know them you would have thought the knew eachother since childhood

Billie then realized she hasn't really masturbated in a year

Billie was in her room pumping a purple dildo in her trying to release some stress

But she wasn't really feeling anything

She threw the dildo to the other side of the bed in frustration

She needed some real DICK

She then heard a knock on her door
At this point she didn't even care if she didn't have clothes on

Come in "she said slightly annoyed

Caleb came in like he is used to seeknv her naked

Which he is

What do you want "she asked raising her brow

Your charger"he scratched his neck

One thing she dislikes about him is when she does give him her charger next day it's gone

No "she stated

Please "he begged
He kept begging which annoyed her

But she then had an idea

I will give you on one condition "she smirked

What is it"he asked confused

Fuck me"she said lust in her eyes

Nope"he winked

Please I'm stressed rn and i haven't had Real dick in 2yrs and my dildo doesn't even do the job anymore "she pleaded

You know once we do it you will turn into my fuck body "he smirked comin closer

She nodded and spreaded her legs wider

He grabbed her neck and pulled her in a lustfull kiss

Making her moan in the kiss
Her hands found his buldge and rubbed it

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