Why 2 not 3

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Billie invited Brent and Noel for a movie night which they gladly accepted

She sat down on the couch waiting for them to arrive
She finally saw lights from two cars pulling up in her driveway

Billie sprinted to the door almost running into brent's chest making her almost fall but he caught her by the waist

You good ?"He asked making her nod
Okay let's get wasted"Noel cheered

It's a movie night dumbass"Brent told her
And ?"
No liquor "

Well then we will add sum- "noel started with an attitude

Oh my god can we watch the movie ?!"Billie yelled making them stop bickering
They sat down on the couch

Not even 5 minutes in there was a sex scene
Billie kept looking at brent during it.
Noel just looked bored at it

Why is this so damn long "Noel groaned showing popcorn in her mouth
I would have enjoyed it if it was threesome"She stated

Billie quickly turned her head to noel
What-" billie paused the porn movie

You've never tried it before?"Noel raised her brow
Who has ?"Brent asked confusion written all over his face

I have and it's the best thing I gave up fucking one person years ago"They both looked at her suprised

Noel just looked at them in pity
How does that even work"Billie fully turned to her
Billie why"Brent was close on laughing

You wanna try"Noel grinned at her
Billie slowly nodded not knowing what she's getting into

That's my cue to leave"Brent was about to stand up
No"Billie quickly straddled his lap

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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