Hard to get

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Billie was back from tour and was celebrating 4th of july with her family and friends

She and Jean are a bit awkward with eachother
She rejected him 5 times after spending time with him eachtime

She gives him mix signals which he got tired of making him promise to himself to never ever ask her out again or be his girlfriend

They were lighting up the fireworks while eating
It's started raining and they went inside

Jean suddenly felt weird
He felt lightheaded and froze while standing
Finneas came behind him putting a hand on his shoulder
Makind him snap back

Are you okay ?"He asked concerned
Yeah I'm good"Jean smiled

If it's about her don't worry she'll come around "He smiled
Yeah that would never happened ,I've given up "Jean honestly told him

She really-"Jean cut him off
Let's not talk about this topic I'm gonna go sit in my car to relax "with that Jean walked away with Fineas sighing

Billie was having the time of her life while not noticing someone missing

Claudia drank from her champagne bottle while Fineas laughed in the background
Where is Jean when is finally gonna say the good news "She asked looking around

He's in his car relaxing,can't blame him here is really overwhelming "Fineas answered

What is the good news !"Billie yelled while her friends cheered
He's going have a Surrogate soon"She cheered

Billie felt her heart drop
She didn't like Jean like that but having a baby without telling her
He's going to be a father soon if finds a perfect Surrogate

Jean sat in his car as the rain poured
While he played billie bossa nova
He texted people back because leaving people on read ain't in his list

Billie slipped out of the party and ran to Jean's car
She opened the car door finding him texting on his phone while smiling

She cleared her throat
Hey"She started
Hi"He looked at her once but went back on his phone
To be honest she was the last person he wanted to thalk to

She sat on a seat and looked at him
For the first time she felt like she lost something life changing

Before he would be full of energy around her and immediately give her attention
Now he doesn't even look at her

Bro can you fucking loon at me ?!"She raised her voice
Who you rasing your voice at ?"He looed at her flabbergasted

You're having a baby you didn't even tell me I'm you're best friend "She said mad
First it's honestly non of your business secondbest friend that was like 2019 remember your e-"He started

You don't have to say his name "She said disgusted
Yeah we are just Friends "He said all of thise things while looking on his phone

She felt tears coming but she didn't let them fall
Is because I-"He cut her off
I'm not that childish MS.Elish you keep mking it clear you don't want I accept med and promised myself to never ever think of asking you again "He cleared up

Can you look at me please "She begged
Why are you so hurt by this "He said annoyed looking her in the eyes
He was still in love woth her but never liked how she took advantage of his feelings for her to not feel alone

Playing hard to get never looked good on you by the way"He said

„Because I want to be the mother to your damn Children don't you understand I fucking love you but I'm scared that it will end up in a breakup in fact I'm obsessed with you ."She said in her head

𝑂𝑛𝑒 𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑠 𝐵𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑒 𝑒𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑠ℎ Where stories live. Discover now