Chapter 1 ~ I have to

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Hope Mikealson, the only tribrid and Lizzie Saltzman, a siphoner, are in love. Their love is strong and they care for each other deeply.

But there is one problem, Malivore still isn't defeated and the only way to do so is Hope sacraficing herself.

She know she has to do it. She has to keep everyone, especially Lizzie, safe.

That's why she is now driving to where the Malivore pitch is.

Once she's there she calls her girlfriend to tell her, that she loves her and that she's sorry.


Hey Hopey.

Hey Liz. Listen I have to tell you something. Please don't be mad okay?

What is it Hope?

I'm going to safe you and everyone else. This is my goodbye Lizzie. I love you and I want you to be happy. Even if it means that you don't remember us.

What are you talking about Hope?

I'm going to jump into Malivore.

Oh no. You are so not going to do that Hope.

I have to Lizzie baby. I love you and I will love you forever.

*crying* No Hope please. You can't leave me. Please tell me you're kidding. Don't leave me.

I'm so sorry Liz. I can't. I can't put your life at risk. You are my everything.

I guess this is goodbye then?

Yes. I'm sorry baby.

I understand why you're doing it. I love you Hope. Never forget that.

I won't. I promise. I love you too Liz. Always and forever. Goodbye my love.

Bye Hopey. I love you. Forever even if I won't remember you soon. I'll always love you.

And with that Hope ends the call and prepares herself for the one thing she scared most in the world - an eternity of lonelyness.

She takes a deep breath and jumps.

Everything goes black.

And life goes on ~ hizzieWhere stories live. Discover now