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Luke got in his car and buckled up. He started the engine and pulled out of his house. Spring had just arrived and the sky was a crystal blue.

Text Thread

Luke: hey!

Jenna: hey what's up?

Luke: nothing, wby?

Jenna: just with Calum

Luke: oh...cool

Jenna: something wrong?...

Luke: no! No, just you've been hanging out with him a lot

Jenna: well he is my boyfriend...

Luke: right..

Jenna: he says hi

Luke: hi

Jenna: sorry we haven't been hanging out, I've got a lot of school work to do...

Luke: ew yuck, that sucks

Jenna: yeah it really does

Luke: want to hang out later?

Jenna: don't you remember? Calum and I are going out

He stared at the curser. It was blinking waiting for his thumbs to tap the glass screen "but I'm your best friend" he said "and I love you, I always have..." He refused to type it out.

Text Thread

Luke: oh yeah! I kinda forgot..what about tomorrow?

He waited for her reply. Taking one hand off the steering wheel and looking down at his lap every once and a while. He gave up eventually and kept driving. Then his phone went off. Excited he looked down. His car swerved into the other lane, the air bag deployed.

Text Thread
Jenna: yeah that sounds great! :)

The wind shield was cracked. The front of his car destroyed. He laid out on his steering wheel in pain. He lifted his head and winced laying it back down on the bloody air bag.

"Sir? Sir? Can you hear me?" A lady paramedic asked as they broke open his door.

Luke blinked and rolled his head over "y-es" he managed to say.

"He's conscious!" She yelled back to the ambulance. More paramedics ran over to him and worked on getting him out.

"Ah!" He yelled in pain as they moved him.

"Careful! His collar bone might be broken" she instructed.

They laid him on a stretcher and put a brace around his neck to support him. Luke didn't know what was happening or what had even happened.

"It's going to be okay" she reassured rushing him to the ambulance.

As they left he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. Another demolished car. They pulled someone out of it. It was a little boy and then another boy who looked about his age.

They put him in the ambulance and shut the doors "let's move!" The lady said to the driver "okay, okay, can you tell me your name?" She asked as the other paramedics rushed around him.

He froze "no" he said. His mind raced "no I- I don't remember" He panicked. He tried to stay awake but his eyes fluttered closed. His breathing slowed.

"Stay with me green day" she said reading his shirt "you can do it"

They placed an oxygen mask around his lips "I- I can't" he said and closed his eyes.

Hey it's Madison!

It's so important to put away any devices that will distract you when driving. Even glancing down at the screen can be a danger to you and other drivers. This is not meant to scare you off from passing your drivers test but just to remind you a text isn't worth it! Thanks and please drive safe! :)

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