Waiting Room

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"I have to see him!" She yelled at the doctor.

"He just arrived moments ago and only immediate family is allowed until he is recovered" the doctor said.

"But he's my best friend!" She started to cry "I have to know he's alright!"

"Ma'am, I'm sorry but you cannot visit him unless you are-"

"Immediate family, yeah we get it" Calum said "come on" he put his arm around Jenna and led her to the waiting room.

She rested her head on his shoulder.

Luke's mother came towards them "hello" she said in a motherly tone.

Jenna looked up and hugged her "is he okay?" She asked letting go.

"I haven't seen him yet" she said taking a seat next to her and Calum.

"Hello my sons were in an accident, where are they? Can I see them?" A lady said rushing to the front desk gripping what Jenna assumed to be her daughters hand.

"What are their-"

"Irwin, it's Ashton and Harry" the lady quickly said holding back tears.

The girl next to her started to cry.

"Alright, yes they were admitted a few minuets ago" the receptionist told her clicking keys on her key board "Harry is in room 114 and Ashton is in examination room 3"

"Can I see them?" The lady asked.

"You can see Harry, Ashton was the driver and he's still under examination"

The girl next to her broke down "no! Ashton has to be okay!"

Jenna realized the lady was Ashton and Harry's mother. And judging but her reaction the girl must be Ashton's girlfriend.

"Thank you" the lady said sniffing and leading the other girl to a seat in the waiting room "it's okay" she said to her "he's going to be okay"

The girl nodded and put her head in her hands. The lady walked off, Jenna guessed she was going to check on Harry. She turned to the girl "hey" she said.

The girl looked up.

"I'm Jenna, I know what your going through. Ashton's going to be okay"

"I'm Bella and thanks I hope your guys okay too" she sobbed.

"His names Luke" Jenna said trying to get Bella's mind off of Ashton.

"That's a nice name" Bella replied "who's that?" She asked.

"This is Calum" Jenna said.

He waved.

"Nice to meet you" Bella managed to smile. She looked down at her phone that lit up. She sighed and closed her eyes letting tears roll down.

"You okay?" Jenna asked.

"Yeah it's just, Ashton's in a band and they have a lot of fans and I don't know how to tell them what happened" she started crying "they love him as much as I do"

"Bell!" someone said from the entrance of the hospital.

Bella looked up "Mikey!" She got up and ran over to a guy with bleached hair and hugged him. She cried into his shirt and he rubbed her back whispering in her ear.

Jenna looked down at her hands. He was probably her best friend. Just like Luke was hers "he has to be okay" she whispered.

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