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"So that was the case"

You nod your head in understanding

At the same time you felt disappointed to yourself. You couldn't help. You're here a few years earlier but you still couldn't help.

Upon having this br- tower magician to inspect Claude's current condition, not like you can't, but still it have good enough to have this man by your side.

And you're right about one thing upon having to hear the magician thoughts. Looking at the sleeping blonde, He was indeed dying.

"This is a curse. It's a punishment for those who use black magic"

The magician stated before glancing at you

You know that too, don't you?

That's what his glaze tells.

In return you only shift your weight on your other leg, litting your head to the side and smile at him.

Black magic was the main reason why you couldn't carelessly use your devine powers on him. You need an out most care and concentration whenever you put him into sleep with our without your powers.

"Black magic? What are you saying? What do you mean? Are you saying that daddy used black magic?"

She asked, looking at the magician before glancing at you, in which you didn't say a word and just continue to listen

Listening for them for awhile upon exchanging a few words here and there, even Lady Jenette was mentioned, come to think of it they did say that she was with them but you could just guess she just left before you could arrive, too bad, you've been wanting to see her for awhile now.

After a little while, it was decided that you would move into the Princess room to continue the conversation. Upon doing so,

"I'll stay here for awhile Princess, Your Highness. I'll follow after a few minutes"


The Princess replied as she and the magician went out of the room

Don't do something stupid, you might accidentally kill him

That was the look the magician was giving you as he follow the Princess out of the room

For a moment, you look coldly at him, in which he just emotionless stare back at you as he finally vanish from your sight leaving the door open. Leaving you all alone with the sleeping Emperor.

So without thinking twice, you kneel right beside him, admiring his sleeping figure which seems better upon having the magician heal him.


You smile gently, but sadness was reflecting in those (eye color) iris

"I don't know what to do anymore"

You couldn't help but to hold on into the hand resting on his stomach

It's been a while since you hold on into his hand, it was still warm as always, but it was bigger than before. It was no longer the hand of the boy who used to follow you and Anastasius around back then.

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