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There were times where you often wonder what could possibly be happening right now if you never choose to fall asleep in the first place. You also wonder what if you woke up a little earlier, you even wonder during your first life the what if's that could happened.

But right now there were no room for regrets, even if you want to, the dead and unfortunate things that happens won't come back and be right. But thinking about it, there must be some way to be able to bring back the de-


It was Theodore

"It seems like our only hope for now is to seek for the Tower Master knowledge"

"But that br-- the tower master is still away, but that should be enough for now."

You stated closing the book on your hand

That tower master, you're pretty sure he knows something. Looking at the odd unnoticed information in the record of the temple and inside the imperial library. And looking back from my previous memories of my first life.

Anastasius seems to be the one pulling the string behind this odd behavior of Claude. No, that is not Anastasius. There is something inside him, something dark and unholy.

That was enough to send shiver down your spine, those bright jewel blue eyes of Anastasius buried on your memories of your first life was terrifying, there was hatred, wrath, hostility and also envy.

Thought you felt sad, and pity towards that being. There must be something that push whoever that person is resting inside Anastasius that made him to do such thing.

Nevertheless, all you could do was to ask the God form the heavens above to forgive that being, because you can't. You can't forgive him for using your friend body to possess and to cause such things to your beloved.

"Are you alright Saintess-nim?"

You look at Theodore, he was the same as always. Always looking after you, though you can't quite understand.

"You look a little pale, shall we take a rest?"

He suggested as he sort out the books inside the imperial library resting on the table you've been using for a week reading all the old documents that might give you a lead

"I'm alright"

You stated, brush off the fatigue written all over your face as you stand up

Only to stumble, luckily, Theodore was there to catch you.

"Are you sure you're okay saintess-nim?"

Theodore couldn't help but to frown slightly at you

"Yes, I am okay Theodore."

You smile at him

"Moreover, I need you to do me a favor"

"What is it Saintess-nim?"

"Could you borrow the book stored underneath the temple?"

You ask as both of you made your way out of the imperial library

"The book about the Goddess?"

"No, the book about me, the saintess"

Theodore was dumbfounded for a second. To think that you would ask him such a thing.

"Yo-you mean steal the Saintess book? Saintess-nim?"

He couldn't help but to utter as he reassure your order, favor rather

"Steal?? No no no"

You couldn't help but to chuckle

"We're only borrowing it"

You smile holy at him

Once again, Theodore was dumbfounded. The book of Goddess and The Book of Saintess was one of the most sacred book of the temple. But among those two, you're only allowed to see the book about the Goddess. While the book about Saintess could only be seen by the elders. As if they're hiding something from you.

"But you're not allo-- sigh."

Though his words ended with a sigh, he could only chuckle as he does

"Alright Saintess-nim, I'll make sure to borrow the book"

"Thank you"

You smile genuinely at him

Unaware of how that made his heart skipped a beat. You part ways as you made your way back to the emperor's clamber only to found him asleep already. Upon getting notified that it was Lady Jenette who done that, you made your way towards where the Princess was together with the said Lady.

Speaking of that lady, you never seen her in person, you wonder what she looks like. Keeping your hands clasp around each other, you made your way towards them.

Only to see such a scene.


For you are an innocent person who absolutely has no experience of skinship nor relationship.

Upon seeing the Princess trapping someone between her and the wall, you couldn't help but to make your eyes widen in embarrassment, cheeks flushing red upon seeing such a scene.

"A-apologies for the interruption, Princess"

You utter in embarrassment as you shut the door behind you, unable to hear the cries of the misunderstood Princess and a smug Magician Tower inside

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