Side Story 5

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Long after the ending

It's been so long, a couple of years ago she would often found herself on her way to go to school by this time but different to whom she was a couple of years ago, at four am in the morning, she find herself on her way home, about to take off her lab coat when the door of her officer burst out open.

"Is Dr. Zephyr still aro-! Doc!"

Seeing the (hair color) haired doctor is around, a relief took over the person who came looking for her.

"Dr. Robane, I heard your voice miles away- what are you doing?!"

The woman who rudely barged into the room to be called as Dr. Robane, a woman almost the same age as you did not even let you finished your sentence as he started to drag you out of your office.


"I need your help"

"I'm about to go off duty-"

"Please (First name), I can't don't this alone, a critical patient is about to arrive at the hospital, I think I can save the child but I don't think I can save the mother"

She groan in frustration causing you to sigh


"She has choriocarcinoma , (First name) Zephyr"

The moment she said that you stood there frozen in place.

"We.. Her fiance and I tired to talk to her about it getting remove at the early stage of her pregnancy but she refused to knowing what will happen to her baby.."

She look away from you

"The baby is healthy, but it's slowly... No... It's eating away her life"


"Please choriocarcinoma is a very rare case nowadays, but I also know how much you've study and research about it, please help me this one time"

There was a few moments of silence in the cold corridor of the hospital after that.

Eventually, you let out a defeat sigh as you gave her a small smile.

"Dang, what are you waiting for? Hurry up tell them to prepare the operating room"

"Alright! Thank you! Please come as soon as possible"

As her eyes widen, she did not miss the chance to run down the corridor to prepare, leaving you all alone in place as you look at her back with a sigh.

Then you turn around in hurry to your office, going off to remove the locket you just place on your table, (eye color) iris catching a glance at the small picture frame on the table consisting of you and Theo's wedding picture taken a year ago.

Taking a sweet glance at the picture, you snap out of it, for now, your mind is focused on the poor soul that was about to arrived in here at the hospital in a minute.

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