Twenty Two

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A soft sad smile made its way on the lips of the (hair color) haired female saintess

"Things would soon go back to what it was before"

You added, hand slowly caressing the huge white tree, the world tree

29, by the age of 29 you are destined to die. Thinking about it right now, you might know the reason why. In the end upon people, including yourself wanting to avoid death, it might be you who cause the changes that was supposed to happened a very long time ago.

So right now, just as you said, things would soon return on the way it should have been in the beginning.



You spoke as you turn around to face your aide

"I didn't expect you to come so soon, I was hoping to finish before you could come"

You smile at him


He wanted to run towards you, but for some odd reason, he was stuck there at the ground.

"Don't you think it would be nice to call me by my name Theodore?"

"I can't do that Sain--"


He wanted to look away, he wanted to say something. Yet looking at those (eye color) iris. All he could do was to bite his lower lip, almost draw blood before saying.

"(Fi-First name)"

"It's nice to hear you calling me like that"

You smile at him, seeing how his ears were red

"I wish you could have called me that sooner"

You whisper, walking around the world tree as if admiring it

"Saint-- (First name)"

"Yes Theodore?"

"Is there no way of changing your mind?"

He asked, almost crying as his voice cracked

Heavens no, he didn't want to lose you. Not like this dammit.

By his question, you look at him.

You look tired, you look really really tired that breaks his heart. Just like that there was a tear that roll down his cheek.

"I was meant to die at the age of 29"

You suddenly started

"But instead of facing death, I choose to escape it and put into an eternal sleep"

You added

"Maybe that was the starting point of all of this"

"I don't understand, this is not your fault"

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