Chapter fifthteen (big boy)

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They call me cry baby, cry baby
But I don't fucking care

3rd pov

"No I don't have a son. Look it's complicated, what are you doing here anyways"Jeongguk says as he opens the door more wide. The prestige woman raises her brow and steps inside, her heels clicking as she walked into the main living room.
"I heard from Jaebum that you came to visit the house not too long ago. I simply thought you'd like to see me. My mistake"she says with sad expression.
"What?" Jeongguk gives a confused look before looking at the small boy trailing behind him. "Yoongi can you wait in my room please" he says patting the boys waist. Yoongi nods softly and walks down the hall.
"Really who is that? Another floosy ?" The woman rolled her eyes.
"No and you don't have to know who that is. It's my business not yours" jeongguk quickly shut down his mothers accusing comments
"Okay I'm actually here because I was wondering if you can help your little brother find a summer job. More specifically like maybe an assistant at your off-"
"No" Jeongguk snaps and moves to the door
"Now if that's all you had to talk about you should get going" he says opening the door
His mother scowls and walks to the door
"And here I thought you actually do this family some good" she says before exiting. Jeongguk stares down at his feet before breathing in slowly and heading to his bed room.

Meanwhile Yoongi peered down at the picture frame. He placed his fingers and slid them down the glass, dust building up at the tips of his fingers. It was a older boy and what seemed to be Jeongguk when he was younger . Maybe beginning of high school?
"Gukkie looks so small" Yoongi giggled as he sat on the floor staring at the frame.
Startled by the door bursting open he dropped the frame in his lap.
"What are you doing on the floor baby?" Jeongguk said as he scooped the boy up. Jeongguk heard something dropped and looked down. He put Yoongi on the bed and picked up the frame. "Should have thrown this away a long time ago" he mumbled. Yoongi tilted his head
"Gukkie you okay?" His small voice spoke. Jeongguk nodded and walked over to the closet. Shoving the frame in a old box. He walked back over to boy. He cupped Yoongi's face and pressed a kiss on his forehead. Yoongi smiled and grabbed the waist band of Jeongguk's pants. "Let's watch a movie " yoongi said as he let go and crawled onto the center of the bed. Jeongguk bit his lip and tilted his head
"Mm I almost thought you were making the first move " he chuckled and laid beside the boy.
"Whatta you mean. First move?" Yoongi poured
Jeongguk shook his head "just forgot it that's for big boys " he teased
"Im a big boy."yoongi whined

Soo... it's been a while😄👀

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2021 ⏰

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