Chapter four (why)

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An: sorry, idk why I'm still trying

You pour out where everyone can see, your hearts too big for your body

Chapter 4§

3rd pov

"Yoongi ..."

"Hmm?" The small boy  hummed

"Let's get you home "

"But I don't wanna"

Yoongi quickly caught Jeongguk's glare and  decided on pushing his luck

"Yoongi it's already 3:40, let's go," the older said while getting up and grabbing his car keys off the counter

"Aniya!" yoongi pouted while crossing his arms

Jeongguk smiled as a thought that crossed his mind

"Fine, I'll leave you here by yourself......alone" Jeongguk chimed as he walked towards the front door

"N-no don't leave me please...daddy" yoongi ran towards him, wrapping his arm's around him as well

Jeongguk eyes widen "w-what, aniya doesn't call me that. It was just a joke"

"Why, I want to call you that" yoongi pleaded, looking up towards the latter

"Never mind, let's go"


Jeongguk then soon arrived at yoongi's house

Yoongi almost opened the door to get out when he slammed it shut again, startling the older


"I want to see you tomorrow"the little pursed his lips

The older felt a pang of guilt knowing he couldn't and shouldn't have a relationship with the boy

"I let you know"

"Know what? When we can meet again or maybe we can go ou-"

"Yoongi! Stop"

The smaller stop talking obediently

"W-why" yoongi said while his eyes showed a familiar glint

"I'll text you, okay?"

"Okay!" The small boy yelled in excitement

The two exchange numbers


Once the older got home he tossed his keys up on the counter and made his way to the couch

Soon a knock was heard at the front door

"Ugh. I just got home"

He opens the door and there stood a petite young woman

"Yuri? What are you doing here?" Jeongguk said in an irritated tone

"What do you mean? I here to see you, baby. I had to go on a trip but I'm back" she walking in and wrapping her arms around the other

"You disappeared for a month and now you want to see me!?"

"C'mon babe, don't be mad"
She said closing the door with her leg and then leaning in, placing a kiss on the older face

                          ~TIME SKIP~

[AN: lol this is yoonkook, not Yuri x kook]

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