Chapter five (liar)

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They call you cry baby, cry baby, but you don't fucken care

Chapter 5

Yoongi's Pov

"Sweet heart, are you listening?" My mom's voice spoke up for the third time

"YOONGI LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER!!" Appa shouted across the dinner table

"Im....I-im so-sorrry" I frowned with tears dwelling up my eyes

"Jesus hear he goes again" he snarled

"Honey, he's just had a hard day I think" my mother protested

"Bullshit! Thats all he's good at crying" he snapped

"Appa! Stop it" I cried out, looking at with tears reaching down my chin

His face soften and he sighed
"Your mother was telling you that she and i will be out of town for the weekend"

I frowned  "Okay"
Appa and Mommy have done this before so I'm used to being alone

"But don't worry sweetie, we'll be back monday morning" Mommy said

"Can I go to my room now?"

"Yes, dear"

3rd person Pov

Yoongi ran upstairs, only to throw himself onto his hello kitty covers and whale into his fluffy heart shaped pillow

He rolled over and began to think about what happend Tuesday and slowly letting the sad feelings prick at his eyes and tug at his aching heart


The couple sat at a small table, talking amd chatting away

 While not far away a boy sat staring a chocalate cake 

"Hey what's wrong?" The sunshine baker said 

"I-I don't wanna s-say"  The boy began sniffling

"Okay, but if you change your mind. Im here baby. Ill just be by the register" he gave one more smile and walked away

(He's not dating her. No way. Thats probably his sister or ....or...)
The plethora of thoughts began to suffocate the boy

Soon yoongi couldn't take anymore. He had to know. Even though he had just met Jeongguk, he still felt somthing for the older

With a straight face Yoongi tried to put on, he march right up to the couples table

"Who's this?" Yoongi questioned like if he had just caught the older cheating

Jeongguk eyes caught Yoongi's glare

A moment of silence almost slithered its way in when jeongguk spoke up

"Oh Hi Yoongi-ah, umm..what are you doing here?"

Yoongi's face grew rigid when the older avoided his question
The smallers attention shot at the girl when she coughed loudly

Jeongguk soon realized something
(Why am i avoided to tell Yoongi about Yuri, it's not like its matters)
"Yuri this is Yoongi, my's friend"
Yoongi's face frowned,stomach churned and a unsettling achy feeling began to pull at his heart

"Yoongi this is Yuri, my-"

"Girlfriend" Yuri smiled sickenly

 A cracking noise made its way to Yoongi's ears, but he knew. He knew no one heard it but him because he also felt it in his heart

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