(Kanto) Chapter 4

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(3rd Person)

The inside of the gym was definitely showing the challengers just what type of Pokemon they specialised in. It made (Y/N) take a deep breath, stepping inside as he saw a large rocky arena with some pillars of stone and rock jutting up from the ground. Once he and Leaf had stepped inside, Brock smiled widely, his arms crossed.

Brock: If it isn't little Leaf. Came back for a rematch? Heh, or are you just watching a new trainer rise up in the rankings? Tell me, what's your name, kid?

(Y/N): It's (Y/N) (L/N), Brock!

Brock: Oho! And you already know my name! I already knew a few people who had no idea who I was, and I can see your partner right next to you... judging how you've got no other Pokeballs, that Nidoran's your only Pokemon, right?

(Y/N): Don't underestimate my partner! We'll kick your Pokemon's asses!

Nidoran let out a loud cry of approval at hearing that, glaring right at Brock who only kept the smile on his face, already liking this new challenger of his. The rock type gym leader looked towards the trainers in front of him, nodding his approval while they stepped up, with Leaf heading off to the spectators side of the gym.

Gym trainer: It's nice to meet you, challenger! However, you're a million light-years away from ever being able to challenge Brock!

(Y/N): Then I guess that means I'll just have to surpass those light-years and speed past you!

Gym trainer: That's the spirit, challenger! The name's Jerry! And I'm a proud camper!

(Y/N): And I'm (Y/N)! Remember it because you're going to be hearing about me as the future Pokemon World Champion!

Everyone except for Leaf went wide-eyed, shocked at hearing (Y/N)'s goal come from him. It was understandable to be a strong trainer, or even a regional champion... but a world champion? Many have spouted that goal yes, but none have actually gotten close to achieving it. The closest person to getting that goal was the boy named Gold, everyone knew about him conquering both the Johto and Kanto regions.

Brock: Interesting...

The rock-type specialist quietly said to himself, his amusement from before disappearing and replaced with a serious analytical look, staring at the Nidoran and his trainer, wondering just how qualified and determined (Y/N) was in following such a large and quite frankly... almost an unreachable dream.

After recovering from the sudden outburst, Jerry grew an amused smile, Leaf from the spectator stands grew a dark glare as she saw the smile wasn't just one of amusement. But it was a mocking one, almost like the boy was sure (Y/N) would fail to fulfil this dream. You couldn't really blame him though since this dream was a big one, but it was also a very difficult dream to realize even if you were some Pokemon Master... most trainers actually grew old and died before they could even head to the third region... and not to mention the new law that was passed the other day about not being able to take any Pokemon from one region to another.

Jerry: Then, let's just see how far the World goes for you... go, Geodude!

The camper sent out his Pokemon in the form of the living rock... boulder...? Well, it's definitely a living rock with arms and a face at least. (Y/N) smiled, seeing that it wasn't at least a Metapod like in the forest as he nodded at Nidoran. Nidoran let out a cry, leaping off (Y/N)'s shoulder and standing in front of the Geodude. Both Brock and the other trainer went off to the spectator stands where they observed the incoming battle.

Brock: This has got to be the kid you never shut up about, right? The one who's apparently super cute and a big dream?

Leaf: Y-yeah...

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