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"Do you think I could convince them to let me go on missions?" I asked, shoving my feet into my shoes. The tennis shoes were old and the soles were worn, but they were comfy. And despite the tread being as bad as it was, they didn't slip. 

Dad sighed. "Do you see your uncles allowing you to?"

"Never said I was talking about them." I stood up and reached out, taking the bag from Dad and sliding it over my shoulder. "I'm not helpless, Dad. And they could at least try to remember that." I looked at him. His lips were pressed into a thin line, and he placed his hand atop my head in silence. "If you're going to say what I think you're going to say, how about you don't say it?"

"You are lucky I'm not my brother."

"Lucky, unfortunate, whatever you want to call it. Though I would really appreciate being able to go somewhere in a plane without getting blasted out of the sky."

"Can you blame me for being concerned about you?"

"I fought your dad, and I survived the Pit." 

"And you're still a child." Dad leaned down and kissed my forehead. "My child, mind you, and we both know how I am with things that belong to me." My hands curled and I ducked my head. A thing. Once again, the reminder that I'm nothing more than a possession to him. Another one of his many holdings. 

"I'm not a belonging," I bit out.

"And yet you are still mine. My blood, my pride, and my joy." His hand pressed down a bit harder as he ruffled my hair. "It's not meant to belittle you, Percy. Just for you to know I'll protect you the same way I protect my kingdom."

I remained silent, and Dad prodded me to walk. As I followed him out and through the stone paved halls, I stole quick glances. His hands tucked behind his  back and his head held high, it was all too easy to remember the position he holds. A picture of regal elegance, his destructive power belied by fluid movements. It was something I should've been able to do, but instead I slunk along after him, head bowed and shoulders curled forward, hand clutching at the bag's strap. My eyes stayed on the floor, and it took all my effort not to fit my feet inside the pavers. 

"Why are we even walking?" I asked. "It's not like you can't just take us there."

"Tyson wanted to see you before you left."

"Can...Can we not?"

My gaze stayed on the floor, but even so, I could feel his eyes on me. Dad's steps slowed, and he placed his hand on my shoulder. "You normally like seeing him." And he was right. Normally, I got excited to see him. Tyson is a sweetheart, and he deserves the world. But he hugs and-- I shuddered, rubbing at my arm and clutching the bag just that much tighter. "We don't have to," said Dad quickly. "I'm not trying to pressure you into this. Do you really want to go?" I nodded, and he squeezed.

The water around us turned to air, the palace turned to the Cave. Dad's hand fell away. Without thinking, I reached out and grabbed ahold of his arm. It was dumb, stupid, and a bunch of other words, but I couldn't help it. My mind stilled. Safe. I'm safe. Dad said nothing; a scarred hand rested over mine before dropping. The silence surrounding us didn't lessen, no matter how much I wished it would, if only to break the tension between us.

Finally, Dad sighed. "You'll be safe here. As much as I know you hate this, please don't give them grief. For my peace of mind, and for your uncles. Triton and I can handle everything with--" He glowered. "If I could have, I'd have killed him the moment I saw what he was doing, but this is probably a better arrangement. There are far, far worse things than death." 

"Are you staying for a while?" I asked. 

"Most likely no. I don't think you want the Atlantean finding out who I really am."

He wasn't wrong. It was a closely held secret, and I had a feeling it would slip out. Secrets tend to do, at some point or the other. It had already spread enough, really Mom and I should have been the only ones to know. Not Orin. Not Orm. Not Mera. I should've been a random bastard child born into the royal family. Someone to be hidden away and never mentioned. 

Someone walked into the room and no warning was given before Dad pressed me forward towards Orm. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me tight to his chest, resting his chin atop my head. "Little one. Little one," he mumbled, pressing a soft kiss to my hair.


"I should have went with you."

I huffed and leaned into the hug. Over my head, him and Dad talked. I didn't care. Warm hugs were the only thing that mattered when it was Orm. No bone crushing, paralyzing hugs, just enough pressure to hold me close. When he tried to pull away, I leaned towards him.

"Say bye- Nevermind." He sighed. "It will never not be annoying when your father does such things."

"Where do you think I get it from?"

Orm rolled his eyes and walked towards the living room. "Orin is here as well, and there is not a way to get out of dealing with him. I would not be surprised if he ups the protection detail on you."

I made a face and trotted after him. "Isn't that a bit overkill?"

"You are one to downplay things, my niece. At this point, consider yourself lucky that he has not decided to have you return to Poseidonis. Your room is still prepared after all. And it would be much easier to offer you protection there, even if you were not heir."

"And I would just go fight another sea serpent."

"Are you trying to give us heart attacks?


Have a chapter

I must now do dishes at 12:30 in the morning

See yah

Princess of the Sea (Fem Percy x YJ)Where stories live. Discover now