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"Your Highness, are you-"

"Call me Percy." I said without looking at whoever it was. I brought my arm through the air and the water followed the motion. A smile spread across my face as I did some other basic moves, keeping the water moving slowly so I could focus on my control.

"Um, okay. Percy, are you okay?"

I sighed. "Why are you asking?"

"Well, you've been doing this since you got here."

I let the water fall back into the ocean and turned to look at whoever was talking to me. It was the Martain girl. What was her name?

I know it started with m. Um...Madison, no. McKenzie, no. Meg... Megan!

"Megan, I'm fine. I like practicing with my powers. It's always a good idea to keep up with your training, though it's kinda hard when Mera tutors me." I chuckled and rubbed the back of my head.

My powers aren't like the sorcery she and other Atlanteans use and there isn't a lot of overlap. But for some reason Mera insists on trying to train me.

I mean, they have to go through a lot of training to do what they do. Within a week of meeting Mera I was able mimic most of her abilities. One of the ones I couldn't was how they make the water glow.

After we stood in silence for entirely too long, I pulled more water towards me. I spun it in a circle around and smiled.

It's nice to do this, it would be relaxing if I wasn't worried about my family. I know they can take care of themselves and that Dad won't let anything happen to Mom but I can't help but to worry.

It's just part of being a demigod I guess.

"Your Highness, your uncles wish to speak with you." Kaldur said.

I didn't tell him to not call me by my title. He's Atlantean and I have to maintain some level of formality or my dad gets mad.

"Okay." I let the water drop before following Kaldur and Megan inside.

I knew something was wrong the moment I saw them.

"Where's Mom?"

Orin and Orm refused to meet my eyes and my heart sank. Fear settled into me and my hands clenched into fists.

"Where is she?!"

"Percy, she- she was injured during the fight. She didn't make it."

I stared at him in disbelief. "No." I whispered. "No no no no no no. Dad wouldn't have- He wouldn't have let that happen to her. Not undersea."

When neither of them responded I covered my mouth. Muffled whimpers escaped as I collapsed to the floor.


How could this happen?

How could this happen when she was surrounded by people who should have protected her? Mera and Orm can both use magic so how did this happen?!

I- I should have been there. None of this would have happened if I had been there. They should have tried to get Mom out of there. I could have fought and I know I could have done something but they decided to treat me like a damsel in distress and Mom's dead because of it.

Because I wasn't there.

This is all my fault. I should've- I should've-

I should've been there.

"How- How bad was it?" I forced out.

"Percy, you must process this before we give you additional information." Orin said.

"How bad was it?" I growled. "It had to have been bad if my dad couldn't do anything."

"You don't want to know. You don't want that image in your mind, Percy. Believe me, you do not want to know."

"I've watch my friends be torn to shreds and I have to live with that. How much worse could you make it?"

Orm walked over to me before sitting. "Percy, listen to me. Do not make us relive it ourselves. We are both holding it together for your sake. Now let's find you a place to sleep."

I was lifted and, despite my protests, carried through the halls into a spare room.

Orm laid me down onto the neatly made bed. "Please, sleep."

I stared at the ceiling. "Can- can you stay with me?" I whispered. "I really don't want to be alone."

"I have duties to-"


Orm's shoulders fell and he climbed onto the bed. He laid beside me. I curled into his side, my body beginning to shake again.

He rolled and wrapped his arms around me. "I'll be right here okay? Sleep now and find peace and respite in your dreams."

I nodded. "Thanks, Orm. And- and I know I don't say this enough but I love you. You and Orin. I love you guys." Tears started falling again. "I- I- I can't lose you. You're the only people I have left."

Orm tightened his grip. "You have your father."

"It's not the same and you know that. He's not like us, he's an immortal god."

"You switched languages midsentence." Orm mumbled. "Now go to sleep so you will be able to process this tomorrow.

I wiped my eyes. "I'll try."

"That is all I can ask of you."

I nestled into his warmth and my eyes began to close.

Before I fell asleep I heard him say something.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so godsdamn sorry."

Everything after that was lost to me as my awareness faded into the sweet release of sleep.

Okay, I'll try to get the chapters for the other books done tomorrow cause it took me way too long to get this done


How'd you like the chapter

*locks door*

*jumps into alternative dimension where I didn't write this chapter and pushes the other me into this dimension*

See yah

Princess of the Sea (Fem Percy x YJ)Where stories live. Discover now