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"Hey, Percy." Artemis raised her hand as I walked in. "What did Canary want?"

"Just wanted a bit more information on stuff. Not that I gave her straight answers. I already have one person who knows everything affecting me mentally, I don't need anyone else knowing that. Will's bad enough as it is. Whatcha watching?"

"Some documentary on the ocean. It was Megan's turn to pick."

I looked at the screen and started laughing as the voices of the fish began to fill my head. I don't know how it was possible, considering there probably wasn't audio being recorded, but I guess I hear them in my head anyway...

"What are you laughing at?"

"You know how my uncle can speak to sea creatures? I can do the same thing, and those fish are not happy. At all. This should be rated higher than it probably is."

I sat on the couch, settling close to the girls. I kept laughing throughout and covered my mouth to quiet myself as two fish started flirting with each other, while the voice over guy said they were trying to chase each other off.

"Should I ask what's so funny or should I assume it's the fish?"

"Hi, Orin." I smiled. Getting up, I walked over and grabbed the bag of clothes from him.

He patted my shoulder and kissed my forehead. "You know you can stay with me if you wish."

"I know. It's just...it would be too hard. It's why I don't stay with Dad. Though I probably screwed things up with him for a bit."

"What did you do?"

"Nothing. Uh, can you rescind that order to Kaldur?"

"No. Stay safe. Though I know you won't and that is why I will not rescind his orders to keep you safe."

"That order got my mom killed."

Orin's shoulders fell. "Percy-"

"No, I don't want to here it. We both know I'm only alive because of dumb luck and the Fates getting a laugh out of me. I should have died a long time ago. I don't need people protecting me, I can take care of myself."

"You have scars that-"

I glared at him. "You know why we don't talk about them. You know how I got most of them and you know exactly why I don't like them being brought up."

"I am sorry, but I am still not removing that order. Your mother will fight Hades himself, come back and fight me if I tell him to stop protecting you."

"Can you at least tell him to stop mothering me? If he doesn't, I am calling Thalia and I'll let her deal with him."

"Please don't get my protege murdered."

"I'll see what I can do." I crossed my arms. "I'm going to go put these away and change. Tell Orm I said hi."

I walked away before he could say anything. Once I was in my room, I opened the bag and groaned. He only brought me Atlantean clothes.

I wanted sweatpants.

I dug through the bag and grabbed my only pair of leggings and a top similar to what one of Mera's students wears.

The room was silent when I went back in and everyone stared at me. Nothing was said, even as I sat down and unmuted the TV.

It was only thirty minutes later that anyone said anything.

"Why were you talking to your uncle that way?" Wally asked.

I stared at my hands. "He knows what not to bring up and he should know how capable I am of handling myself. I've a served a military service." Granted it wasn't Atlantean but I think two wars should cancel it out.

"A service? Don't you mean my? Military service is compulsory for twelve year olds in Atlantis." Robin said.

"Not if you're a princess. Then you get a pass and you have to sneak in under a false name and try not to get discovered. It's like Mulan, but less chance of bringing dishonor on me, my family, my ancestors, and my cow."

"Mulan?" Megan asked.

"It's a Disney movie. Like The Little Mermaid, or Cinderella, or-" I shuddered. "Hercules."

"You know an awful lot about movies for an Atlantean." Connor commented.

"I was raised on the surface. My mom never liked the drama of court life so she chose the surface over the sea. And then she chose the sea, had me, and then chose land again."

That shut them up until the documentary was over. At that point they decided to go do their own things, leaving me to sit and watch the screen. I flipped through the channels, but I didn't pay attention. I found the ceiling more interesting. Soon it lost my interest and I got up.

The others weren't hard to find. Robin and Wally were playing air hockey in the main training room. Artemis and Connor were in the gym, Megan and Kaldur were reading in the library. They sat in a comfortable silence, one I tried to not interrupt as I entered. Kaldur glanced up at me and smiled.

My own smile appeared on instinct as I moved to the bookshelves.

I frowned as I looked at the spines of the books. "Uh, do you guys have anything in Atlantean or Greek?"

"Weren't you raised on the surface?" Megan asked. "There's plenty of books in English and Spanish and a bunch of other surface languages."

"I'm...uh, I'm dyslexic." I rubbed the back of my neck. "It's hard for me to read English. I can read Atlantean and Greek pretty well."

"Here." Kaldur got up and guided me towards a decent collection of Atlantean books. "While it does not compare to the royal library, there is quite the assortment of texts."

"Thanks." I sighed. Too many are history books or long novels. I'm just gonna...lay in the middle of the aisle and hope everyone leaves me alone.


I have a long day tomorrow. I mean I don't have school until next week but I have to take my mom to dialysis and then I have chiropractor, I need to kill a few hours at the library, go get her, go to the eye doctors, go pick out glasses and I possibly have an orthodontist appointment to try to get new retainers cause I broke mine. Again.


Is there anything y'all want to see?


See yah

Princess of the Sea (Fem Percy x YJ)Where stories live. Discover now