100 years- Bucky

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Y/N's PoV
I spin around in the kitchen, dancing to a song on the radio while in Bucky's tshirt. "You're amazing." I slightly jump as Bucky speaks from the doorway.

"You're such a suck up." I giggle, my husband wraps his arms around me and sways along to the song with me. 1000 years by Christina Perri comes on and Bucky spins me around, beginning to dance with me.

"You know, if it was 900 years in the future, this would literally be us." Bucky mumbles into my hair.

"But instead its been 100 years."

"1924 and 1937 were the best years of my life. I met you and all those years later... you became Mrs. James Buchanan Barnes."He spins me another time.

"Playing on the playground until the teacher called us inside at age 7, sneaking out to make out in your car at 17, and getting married at 20 years old. If I could do it all over again, I so would." I smile at him as we sway to the music.

"Well, why don't we? Lets get married again." Bucky smiles and grabs my hands. "Right in our living room, have Steve officiate it like he did all those years ago. I know you don't have your dress anymore but we can buy you a new dress. After all, our anniversary is in 10 days we could do it then."

10 days later

I smile at myself in the mirror, a long white gown on with lace sleeves, my hair in a braided updo, and Nat putting my veil on. "This 2nd wedding wasn't supposed to turn out this extravagant. Frankly, this dress is so much better than my first one." I laugh.

"You'll have to show me a picture sometime." She smiles at me from the mirror. "I've never seen anything like the relationship you and Bucky have. It's beautiful. So glad you found each other after all these years."

"When Steve and I saw his face neither of us could believe it. At first I wasn't expecting him to come back." I clutch the locket around my neck with a picture of him in it. "But he did."

"So, how'd he propose to you the first time?" Wanda asks.

"Now that, is a story for another day." I laugh. That's when there's a knock on the door, Pepper and Morgan stand there and Morgan runs up to me.

"You look so pretty! Time to go!" She tells me.

"Ok, lets go little miss." I get out there and the song I walk down the aisle to begins to play. Steve, Sam, and Bucky stand at the altar, my husband beginning to tear up. I was tearing up as well. I reach the altar and whisper to Bucky. "Don't cry, you'll make me cry dummy." He chuckles and holds my hand.

"Let's make this better than the first one." Steve whispers to us.

Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now