The street- Chris

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I was watching Billy on the street with Chris and I got this idea. Might be a little strange lol

Y/N's PoV
I'm almost running down the street, trying to get to work on time. I know I'm about to be slowed down when I see a guy with a microphone and camera man walking towards me. "Hey! Did you know Billy on the street is on Netflix now!" He asks me and puts the microphone in my face.

"Um no but I will for sure go check it out." I smile and try to begin walking.

"One more question!" He sassily says so I turn back around. "Would you rather fuck Chris Evans or Paul Rudd?"

"Um, can I pick both?" I laugh. "But if I'm picking one, Chris Evans for sure."

"Why thank you." I look over to see Chris Evans standing there, with Paul Rudd.

"Oh. My. God. You have Chris Evans with you. And Paul Rudd. Um well hi boys, but I really do have to get to work. I'm so late." I cover my bright red face before turning around again.

"Where do you work?!" Chris yells. "Uh you know in case we wanna swing by." I see him smiling at me.

"Oh, just the bar at the corner down there. Randy's. I'll be there all night, happy hour until 8pm. Now I really gotta go." With that I run off and push past people to get to the bar.

Chris's PoV
"Oooo I've never seen a special guest flirt with one of the people we talk to." Billy says and Paul laughs.

"That wasn't flirting. I asked a question." I argue.

"But you definitely are going there to get her number." Paul points out.

"Ok yeah. She was absolutely beautiful."

"ANDDDD said she'd fuck you over Paul Rudd." Billy adds.

"Yeah sure. Lets finish this so I can go."

Y/N's PoV
After 3 hours of working, Chris walks in alone. He sits at the bar right in front of me and smiles. "What can I getcha?"

"What do you have on tap?" He asks.

"Um Bud Light, Miller Light, Guinness, Heineken, and AmberBock. Take your pick."

"A tall Heineken please." I already had grabbed the glass so I begin to pour it.

"You got it." I set the beer in front of him. "Starting a tab? Need a menu?"

"Um yeah sure. Gimme a menu and start me a tab." He tosses his credit card on the bar so I can put it in the cup. "You really working a Friday night all by yourself?"

"Uh yeah. All the other girls called in but I'm not complaining I prefer to work by myself." I hand him a menu and notice a table with empty glasses and food baskets. "I'll be right back." I head over to the table. "All set or do we want more drinks?"

"Um, no I think we'll take our bill now please."

"All right, no problem let me take these baskets real quick and go grab that bill." I carry the five baskets and 4 of the 8 cups and put them where they're supposed to go. When I finally hand them the bill they have money already out. "Ok, you guys have a good night alright?"

"You too." The family smiles and I head back to the bar. Chris was still sitting there and had just finished his beer.

"Another? And have you decided on what to eat?"

"Yes and yes I just want a grilled chicken wrap." He tells me so I get him another beer and grab a pad of paper.

"Just so you know, the grilled chicken wrap is great with honey mustard instead of mayo thats how I always get it."

"Well then I'll get it like that. Hopefully your number comes with it?" He asks.

"That can definitely be are arranged." I head over to the kitchen to put in his order and write down my number on a napkin. "Here is my phone number. I got other tables to wait on."

12 months later

Chris walks into my apartment, picking me up off my couch, I wrap my legs around him and smile. "Hey babe, whats the plan for today?" He asks.

"I don't know. I was thinking probably just lay in bed, I'm still tired after work last night. Plus, we met a year ago today. Might as well enjoy each other's company." I plant a kiss on his lips. "And in a month, it'll be our one year anniversary."

"I know, I have plans already." Chris smiles as he carries me to my room. We lay on my bed, legs intertwined, kissing here and there. "Hey Y/N?"


"I love you."

"I love you too."

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