chapter 1

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Bils pov

Since seventh grade, I've had a crush on y/n. I'm a senior now, and y/n is as well; we're classmates, but not very close, and we wouldn't call ourselves friends. I'm still in the closet, but y/n is extremely upfront about her sexuality and the fact that she's gay. I don't think I'd ever be able to come out and deal with the amount of criticism I'd receive.

Lots of boys ask y/n out and that's why she came out, to not deal with that anymore. I feel bad over the fact that she has to deal with homophobia in this school tho. There are lots of strict religious people here that constantly try to tell her tO tUrN tO gOd and that jEsUs lOvEs hEr. Or other phrases like she's goin to burn in hell for entirnity. There are other people who act very homophobic towards her not even for religious reasons. They just think it's unnatural and call her slurs all the time. There are other girls who are straight and constantly talk about how they think she's in love with them. That's why they also keep their distance from her.

I follow her around and attempt to learn everything I can about her. In school, she only has one friend. William is his name, and he is also gay. I believe this is why they get along so well; he has to deal with the same issues that y/n has at school. I made the decision today to ask y/n out and finally come out of my closet.

I am still pretty confused about my sexuality and what my label is. All I know is that I like women and I'm queer.

I got ready for school and for a long stressful day. I don't think y/n will reject me since there aren't much women that like women here. There are no way this can go wrong.

Or at least that's what I thought.

Y/n pov

My alarm clock rang in my ears as I awoke. I sighed as I slammed it shut. It's 8 a.m., and I've gotten a total of 3 hours of sleep. I remained up late last week working on homework that had been assigned to us. I'm known for leaving things till the last minute. I climbed out of bed, rubbing my eyes. I went to the bathroom, quickly showered, brushed my teeth, and dressed. My naturally curly hair was dried and left open. I put on some makeup and accessorized with a necklace and a slew of jewelry. I had rings laced on my fingers. I looked in the mirror and smiled at how good I looked. I went downstairs and caught up with my best friend, who was preparing pancakes for both of us. After my parents kicked me out for being gay, he lets me remain with him. His parents are extremely supportive of him, and he pays them visits on occasion. He made the decision to move out, and his parents assisted him in finding a little home for himself.

I hastily ate my breakfast and dashed out the door to Wil's car, where I waited for him.

He kissed my forehead and dropped me off by the school and went to visit his parents. He was like my big brother. He was gonna miss school today which meant I'll have to spend today all alone.

Time skip

When school ended, I took out my phone and dialed Wil's number to have him pick me up. He responded after a few rings, but the phone noises indicated that he was busy with his family, so I just told him I'd walk home and he didn't have to worry.

As I was talking I spotted billie running towards me. We never really talked or got close so I got a bit curious on what she was gonna tell me.

Bils pov

I saw y/n leaving the school and walking towards to her house.

"This is my chance" I thought to myself

I dashed towards her and began to slow down as I approached her. She came to a stop and turned around. I took a couple more steps till we were almost touching. I slung my arm around her shoulder and resumed my stroll, as did she.

""Hey, Billie, do you need anything?" she asked hestentily, her brows arched.

I took a deep breath and exhaled deeply to settle myself down after my earlier run.

" um yea actually" I smiled at her

She smiled back at me indicating I should continue.

We continued walking slowly.

"Y/n I really like you, and I've had a crush on you for a long time. I wanted to ask you if I could take you out sometime," I said, taking my arm off her shoulder and peeling the skin around my finger nails

She stopped walking and turned towards me locking her eyes with me

Y/n pov

I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it was not that. I never would have guessed Billie could be anything but straight. She was always hooking up with dudes and making it known to everyone that she despises women. At lunch one day, I overheard Billie yelling at her friend group about how she's not queer and would never date a woman. To be honest, I had no idea what they were talking about.

Many girls have asked me out as a joke, despite the fact that they are straight and have no interest in women.

People don't take same-gender relationships seriously, therefore girls would constantly try to play my emotions.

Billie seemed to be trying to be funny on me because everything happened so quickly and sudden.

I paused for a second to collect my thoughts then spoke up

"oh billie I'm really sorry I dont see you that way we can become friends though, you seem like a really chill person" I gave her a genuine smile and started playing with my hair while locking my gaze with her blue piercing eyes.

I tried to sound as polite as possible rejecting her

I didn't know what else to say

Bils pov

"oh billie I'm really sorry I dont see you that way we can become friends though, you seem like a really chill person"

I was shocked.
she rejected me.

why would she.

I didn't understand

I was furious

I dropped the smile on my face and got in my car driving to my house

I didn't react or reply to her in any way.

Many others want to date me or be in her position, yet she turned me down?!

Y/n pov

She just left without any words or any response.

The guilt started building up inside of me but it was better than goin out with her and playing with my feeling or even worse if she was genuine than it would be me playing with her feeling. I don't think I am mentally prepared for a committed relationship anyways.

I continued my way home

Bils pov

I arrived home and just laid on my bed thinking.

I didn't understand why she would reject me.

I was looking for an explanation or an answer but nothing.

If I can't have her than no one else will.

I spend years obbssesimg over her; I wasn't letting go of her easily. 

She IS mine

And that's how it all started.

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