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George Pov:

Theres a dance at the school, but there's a picnic before with Karl, Quackity, Sapnap, Dream, and me.

I'm excited. A lot of people have already asked their date to go. While talking with Wilbur, he brought up the idea of going with a friend, since he had already asked Niki.

I was thinking of asking Sapnap, but he had already told me he was asking Karl as friends.

I'm in the halls, watching as Karl rounds the corner. Sapnap jumps out, yelling boo. His hands are filled with flowers. I watch as Karl calms down, then covers his face with his hands. He looks shocked, as I hear Sapnap ask him to the dance.

Karl accepts the flowers, and nods his head. Sapnap smiles, and throws his fist in the air, happy he accepted.

The raven haired boy then pulls him in for a hug, and then they head to class. It's nice and all seeing everyone being asked, but I wish I had someone to go with.

I've barely recovered from Sam's death, so It'd be weird to have a different lover already.

I hope that someone asks me to go as friends. I'd enjoy dressing up for someone, and not just because of the dance.

Going into the cafeteria, the room is empty, since I left class early. The curtains are up, revealing the stage. I'm wondering why it's up, but it's probably because there's a dance tonight.

Instead of the principle being on stage, I'm met with Dream. He has a mic in his hand, and as he brings it up to his face, he begins talking.

"George Noft, will you be my friend date to the dance?"

I smile, and nod, walking up the stage. He grabs my hand, and pulls me up the rest of the stairs.

We don't do much. He puts the mic back to where it was, and then jumps off the stage. I jump after him, and people start coming into the cafeteria.

We sit down together, and start eating lunch. We talk about the fact that in the rest of my classes, I moved next to him again.

After lunch, we clear our trays, put them back on the table, and walk to our next class.

I watch as a girl approaches us. She gives him a post-it note, and he unfolds it. I peak over at it, and see several numbers on it.

He grabs the note in his palm, and gives it back to her. He explains how he's not interested, and she asks why. I feel him pick up my hand, and hold it. He picks up our hands, showing it to her, and she walks away.

The rest of the day is super boring. Half of our teachers didn't even come in the classroom. They're too busy talking about chaperoning the dance.

We mess around in the last class of the day. I throw a pencil at Dream. Before I can stop laughing, he grabs it and throws it back at me. It hits me in the forehead, and I rub the spot it hit.

The class ends with us running out of the room. He's chasing me, because I stole his notebook.

We finally make it to his car, and he grabs his notebook, putting it in his book bag. He opens the door for me, then gets in on his side. He starts the engine, and we begin driving.

Since the dance doesn't start until around 7, and it's only 4, we decided to have a picnic with Karl, Sapnap, and Quackity.

We pull into Starbucks, and I gasp because I didn't expect to get Starbucks. We're one car away from  ordering, and he looks over to ask what I want. I tell him that I want a dragon fruit refresher, and he pulls up.

He orders my drink, along with a strawberry açaí for himself. We finally pay, get the drinks, and begin driving to the park.

The drive to the park is filled with laughter. When we finally get out, I'm basically crying from laughing. We finally get to where Karl, Sapnap, and Quackity are.

There's a pink and white picnic blanket spread out, with a stereotypical picnic basket. Quackity is eating an apple, while Karl and Sapnap are playing hot hands.

Dream and I walk over to the blanket, and now we're sitting on it as well. Dream is leaning against a tree, and I'm laying down on the blanket.

As Quackity takes a sip of water, Karl puts a hand over his mouth. He's still staring at his phone, and turns the phone around to reveal a photo of a guy sitting against a tree, and a girl sitting in his lap. The girls head is turned up, and she's kissing the guy against the tree.

Karl laughs, and tells me and Dream to recreate it. I hesitate, but scoot over to Dream. I sit in his lap, and look up. As Karl takes the photo, Dream looks down, and actually connects our lips.

Karl's takes another photo, and I gasp. I can hear him laughing, and everyone looks shocked. Karl edits the photo for a minute, and then reveals the photo.

It looks pretty similar to the actual photo. The only thing that's different are the clothes, and the fact I'm a boy.

The picnic goes pretty well, and I get back into Dreams car, and we drive to the dorm rooms.

We get there, and quickly change. We run back down the stairs, and get into the car. The drive is short, but we eventually get to the school.

When we get out, he looks at me in shock. He never really looked at the suit I'm in. I look at him, and he looks just as good.

We eventually stop staring, and go into the school. The gym room is filled with balloons and confetti. It's dark too, so it's hard not to trip over anything.

The dance is boring, and I quickly ask to leave. Dream nods, and we get back into the car.

I'm disappointed, but get over it as I get out of the car. I walk into my room, changing into a hoodie and sweatpants.

I climb into bed, and as Im getting comfortable, there's a knock on the door. I sigh, and get out of bed. I grab the door handle, and open the door.

To my surprise, Dream is standing there with flowers.

"I'm sorry for the dance being bad. I decided to pick you up some flowers to make up for it."

I smile, and pull him in for a hug. He accepts, and is basically towering over me. We finally pull apart, and I invite him in.

The night ends with us facing each other, sleeping deeply.

The Night at the Pond // dnfWhere stories live. Discover now