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George POV
CW/TW: sexual mentions, joke about killing

I wake up, but don't go to practice. Since i'm on the football team, our schedule is changed so we can go to practice at 9 am, and not have to go to school before that. They say it's good for making sure we're energized.

I'm not going to practice, like i said. I cant. I don't feel like it. If I do go, Dream is 100% gonna be there. I cant deal with him right now. I may get kicked off the team, but that's the least of my worries. I already have a scholarship here for college, so there's no need to worry. No matter what, they probably won't take it away. I'm probably the best player on the team.

We start school usually at 11, so I'm just gonna stay in bed. Before i know it, Quackity is coming in my room to talk to me.
"Hey man! You ready?"
"Quackity, does it look like i'm ready?"
I will admit, that was a little rude. It was supposed to be a joke, but it came off roughly. His face drops from a smile to a frown.
"Why aren't you ready?" he asks. I slam my head into the pillow and mumble out.
"I just can't go. Dream may be there. What if he like- kills me?"
After I asked, Quackity laughs. It's good to know I didn't affect him that much.

"Dude, he's not gonna kill you. If anything, he'll just tackle you. Not in the way that you guys have already tackled." I lift my face off the pillow as my mouth drops open. He winks.

He chuckles again.
"Laughing, but not denying."
I throw the same pillow at him and yell at him to get out. Of course nothing happened like that, but it was funny to laugh about it. He closes the door and walks out of the room.

I lay my head on the pillow that wasn't thrown, and try and drown out the sounds of Quackity making food in the kitchen.

Im about to fall asleep when I hear the door open once again.
"Hey dumbass, I'm going to school. There's pizza in the kitchen."
"Really, Quackity? Pizza for breakfast?"
He laughs while responding.
"Of course, dude."

He leaves my room, and I watch as the lanyard in his pocket sways. I hear the keys unlock the main door, and then the door closing, before shutting my eyes to sleep more.


I wake up in a sweat, sitting up. I miss the dream i was having.

It's ironic, because the dream was about Dream.

It started with us on the rock at the pond. THE pond. Seeing it made me realize how much it affected me. I wish i could go back to that moment and not ask about what was wrong.

I've been diagnosed with depression for a while, and have been taking the meds for it. While they didn't really help, and just made you feel numb, they weren't 'helping' now.

I was sat up against the headboard of the bed, crying my eyes out. It hurts knowing I won't be with him anymore.

Of course, we were just friends. We've always been just friends, but I miss the nights we would spend watching movies and tiktoks in one of our rooms.

I haven't slept in a bed by myself in at least a month. It was never planned with us either. We would just get back from classes and practices, and go to one of our rooms. It was usually his, but occasionally we would go to mine.

We had spent so much time together, that I even had spare clothes in his closet.

The only thing I remember in the dream is that I was laying with my back down on the rock, and he was propped up above me. His hands were on either side of me, and he was laughing.

The sky was a dark blue color, like how i keep my LEDs. It illuminated his face, and made him look so good. You'd think I was jealous of how perfect he was, but I wasn't. I just wanted to stare in his eyes for as long as I could. Then, the dream ends as he leans in.

The Night at the Pond // dnfWhere stories live. Discover now