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George Pov:

I think that I'm going to forgive Dream. Walking into 1st period, I still sit by Hannah and Boomer, but I think I may ask to sit by Dream next period.

The class goes by slow. We're being taught something that has to do with math, but I'm ignoring it. I cant stop thinking about the apology, and my conversation with Sapnap.

I questioned the apology for a while, but me and Sapnaps conversation helped with it. The conversation wasn't much, but it did help clear any doubts I have.

Waking into period 2, I go over to the teacher. I have a quick conversation, and make my way over to the seat next to Dream.

I sit down, and as Dream walks in, his eyes open wide. He chuckles a little, and walks over to me. He sits down, and immediately asks what's up.

I reply with a smile, and pull him into a hug. As we hug, I breathe in his scent. I miss the nights where I would fall asleep to it. The hug only  lasts around 3 seconds, and we pull away as the teacher starts to talk.

The lesson is the same as every day. We write notes, and we read over them. There's also the occasional joke thrown in.

The end of class comes around, and we pack up our stuff, and walk out. The next few classes go the same way. The only class we get to talk to people in, is after lunch, so Dream and I haven't talked much at all.

Luckily, the first couple classes go by, and I'm already making my way to the cafeteria

Lunch is going pretty well. I sit near Dream, and we talk more then we have. We start off by talking about what we've been doing without each other, and are now talking about Sapnap.

"Oh, I forgot to say that Sapnap was the one who told me to apologize."
Dream begins to say.

"I know. He was the one who got me to forgive you."
I reply.

He smiles at me, taking a bite of his food. The rest of lunch goes well, and we even made plans for me to be partners with him at practice.

Even after all this talking, we're still awkward. In the rest of my classes, I haven't sat by him. In the classes I do sit by him in, we just stare at the table in front of us awkwardly, until one of us starts to talk.

The rest of my classes are filled with laughter, joking around, and taking tests. The day has already ended as the team and I make our way to the bathroom.

We've already changed into the gear, and are now just making sure everything is in line.

We finish checking up, and make our way to the field. On the way to the field, Tommy is knocked over, Tubbo is laughing over it, and Wilbur had his mouth opened wider than ever.

As we walk onto the field, I grab Dreams hand and begin practice.

Dream Pov:

I'm laughing as I'm being dragged onto the field by a short, smiling brunette.

He starts off with his favorite warmup, jumping jacks. He yells at me to jump in sync with him, and he's still laughing.

Moving on, We start with grape vines. One leg, then the other, then back to the first leg. We do this down the field, then do it up the field.

We do this thing where we do our best warming up on the run down, then on the way back, we try to see who can do it the fastest.

Of course, I won, but he pretends he won. This practice has been better then all the practices before this. Every time he smiles, my stomach bursts with excitement. I missed his smile way too much.

During push-ups, George runs to the top of the bleachers, and music turns on. This music is really upbeat.

He rushes down, and immediately takes hold of my hands. While lip-syncing to the lyrics, he starts swinging both our hands, and jumping.

He's smiling even brighter, and I'm surprised coach hasn't gotten on to us. I know he's seen what we're doing, because I can see him staring right at me from the sidelines.

The rest of warming up is easy, but we manage to do it with a smile on our faces.

Starting off with the actual practice, Coach switches up all of our positions. I'm quarterback, and Tommy is running back.

After a few more switches, then playing like that, we start to go back to normal. Coach even has us try 4 new plays.

After sweating so hard we could barely breath, It's finally over, and we all rush to the bathrooms. Sapnap even knocks over a table, because he wasn't paying attention to where he was going. We all sing along to songs, and shower.

When I'm done showering, I walk over to where Karl and George are, and begin to blow dry my hair. I laugh along, as they start to drag their hands down my face and chest in a joking way.

Karl is messing up my hair, and George is lightly tapping my neck. I start to pull away, and now George's hands are on my abs.

I watch as he turns bright pink, and I look in the mirror to see I'm the exact same shade of pink.

"Hey Dream, George, I'm going to Sapnaps room. I'll see you later."
Karl breaks the silence by saying.

I watch as Sapnap wraps his arm around Karl's waist, and lightly pushes him out the door.

I start to speak out.
"Hey George, speaking of rooms, do you wanna come to mine? I want to watch this one movie with someone."

There was no movie. I just wanted to talk to him, and be with him.

"Oh, uh, sure I guess."
He replies.

I put my stuff away, and lightly poke his back to annoy him. He turns around, and looks at me with a smirk.

He grabs one of my hands, and drags me to my own dorm. I laugh, as he grabs my keys, opens the door, and then jumps onto my bed.

He turns on his phone, and I immediately jump right next to him, making him shrink up in fear.

We keep laughing as he scrolls through tiktok, and I watch.

I watch as he slowly falls asleep, and I push him off the bed. I'm almost asleep, but he jumps right next to me, and I grip onto his arm for support.

We end up falling asleep in that same position. Him on his back, one hand by my chest. Me on my stomach with my hand holding onto his.

Authors Notes:
- I don't know like anything abt football, so I'm sorry about that.
- this is like oddly un-detailed, and I'm so sorry abt that

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