Brains, Blood & Gore

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Dabi's POV:


I hurry through the alleyways of Deika City, my anxiety growing as I look for Y/n who got separated from me when a gang of police cornered us.We had just managed to recruit a bunch of thieves for the League. I swear to god if Y/n's been arrested or even killed - police brutality here is common- I'll never forgive myself... No, that's not gonna happen, Y/n's smart and capable, she'll be fine. 

Non the less, I speed up, searching all the backstreets from the rooftops until I spotted Y/n backed into a corner with five policemen all pointing guns at her as she stood with her arms crossed and brow furrowed.

What the hell's she up to? Come on Y/n! I hiss to myself, fight! My body tenses ready to unleash my fury in the form of flames when suddenly a gunshot went off making my blood chill.

Right, I forgot about that. I peer down to see Y/n just standing there untouched with her Barrier intact, and that savvy smirk on her face. That's my girl, I breath a sigh of relief and mirrored her smirk before jumping down behind the police.

----Y/n's POV:

I saw a figure jump and land behind the gathered police before I heard a familiar voice drawl;

"Nice try. Our turn"

The familiar scorching heat of Dabi's azure flames incinerated the lot surrounding me to a pile of ash. 

"Wow, great timing,"

I say withdrawing my Barrier. Dabi suddenly shoots me a cold glare and grabs my shoulders roughly;

"Dabi what the fuck-"

I startle before being cut off by him as he pulled me into a tight hug, saying gruffly;

"Don't you ever scare me like that again!"

I laugh and hug him back before pulling away;

"I'll be fine or did you forget about my new quirk?"

I ask as Dabi rolls his eyes in response;

"C'mon, we gotta jet before more come, we still have to recruit more. Word is theres some biker gang in town too, I can imagine they won't be too happy with us on their turf, but I heard their sympathise with Stain's ideology..."

"How did they find us anyway?"

I wonder out loud. Dabi snorts, saying;

"it was probably that damn car I stole, they probably tracked it"

"ooohhhh I forgot you stole that car"

I answered breezily as I held his hand. He showed no emotions save for a tiny squeeze of my hand before saying;

"We can't risk getting another car, they'll be on high alert by now. Might delay us but I'm not complaining... A few extra days just you and me, I can get used to that"

Dabi said suggestively as he smirked at me. I grin, suddenly thankful that the police had caught wind of us as I agree with him;

"Yeah... I mean, we might need to go into hiding y'know? So as not to endanger the League's whereabouts... Just you and me..."

I purred seductively, my thumb circling around Dabi's hand making him raise an eyebrow and say;

"My my have I been a bad influence on you"

I consider it for a moment before shrugging in reply;

"What can I say, guess that's how I like 'em"

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