Criminal Confession

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Dabi's POV:

A night and a day has passed since I was put into the holding cells of the Deika city police department. My cell -located at the end - has the basic, sparse appliances. just out of reach from my bound limbs.

I sit in the middle of it with my hands confined together with heavy iron shackles that cover my whole forearm and hands, preventing me from using my quirk damagingly. 

I lean back as far as I go on the chair, my manacles chained to the wall holding me form falling back as my mind rushes with all the events from last night. Me pushing Y/n back - I hope she's ok, if I can't get out on my own, she'll be able to help me...

I gritted my teeth in anger as I remember the words the chief of police spoke to me when I arrived, just before he beat me up - acting all tough just cause I wasn't able to use my quirk; 'all in the name of  justice' quotes he, I think bitterly; 'you are a good for nothing, insane criminal who doesn't deserve to fucking live!' His words, not mine, for once... I mean, he was right of course, but it still stung. I snort in amusement at how the world views me, a monster... If only they knew...

I sigh and shake my head tiredly, thinking to myself; I just want all the thoughts to go the fuck away. Is that too hard to ask? The only person who actually silenced these dark thoughts (and encouraged new ones) was all alone in a strange city. Fuck Y/n I really hope you're ok, for both our sakes.

I wake up with a start, and like a dream, I find Y/n all over me. Her hands groping and caressing up my shirt...Her succulent lips on my neck... I try speaking, relieved that she was safe, but Y/n covered my mouth and hushed me before crooning;

"Shh now now Dabi, I'm here to get you out..."


I breath, she grins toothily at me before her lips find mine. She kisses me roughly, her tongue exploring my mouth before she moved her lips up my jaw.

"How did you get in?"

I said, as we came up for air. She smiled secretively as she answered;

"what do you mean?"

I raise my eyebrows questioningly, making her roll her eyes and retort;

"I might ask you the same thing. Aren't you supposed to be dead?"

Bewildered I say;

"What the fuck? Why would you think that?"

Y/n shrugged before observing me with those big (e/c) eyes;

"Because of all those people you hurt and killed of course!"

I tense up, speechless at the venom of her words as she continues in a matter of factly way;

"I mean, first you hurt your mother, then you try to hurt your little brother, then your father... The list goes on! I mean come on, let's get real; the ones you didn't hurt emotionally, you hurt physically! That's just you, Dabi, You're broken. You deserve to be in a cage"

An empty feeling spread around my body as her words cut deep into me. Memories I had long since disowned rushed back with a vengeance: those years of trying to prove myself to my father... Toya Todoroki, born for all the wrong reasons...That day... That fire... My scars imprinted on me by this cursed quirk... I grit my teeth and shake my head vigorously. No. Toya is dead. Why did she do this? The Y/n I know doesn't make me feel this way...

"Get. The fuck. Out. You're not Y/n."

I say in a hushed, dangerous voice. 


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