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I've been feeling more into writing lately, so enjoy. I'm also sorry for the violence in the last chapter.

Gaege's POV

I woke up in excruciating pain, my chest feeling like it was on fire. I suddenly remembered last night.

"Fuck, it wasn't as worth it as I thought it was going to be" I spoke to myself.

I couldn't move without feeling horrible. I looked down at my chest to see a blood soaked bandage. Sorry if the thought makes you queasy :,)

I don't remember much from after the fight, besides falling into Eddie's arms.

I felt so useless. All I could do was lay here, I couldn't even grab my phone from the coffee table. So I pulled the blanket back over me, trying to get some extra rest.

I heard footsteps coming from upstairs, and then I saw who it was. Grant was standing there with some dishes from their room, not noticing me awake yet.

"Oh, Gaege. You're awake." He sort of jumped seeing me staring at him.

"Yeah, I just woke up.." I mumbled, pained.

He put his dishes in the sink for him and Eddie to do later, walking back to where I lied on the uncomfortable sofa.

"Gaege, I have to redo the bandages." He sat down on the carpet, putting his hand on my forehead head comforting.

"It's going to hurt really bad. Even moving hurts." I huffed, closing my eyes.

He walked off, coming back with the roll of bandage.

"Can you tell me when you've finished please.." I whispered almost too quiet for him to hear.

He nodded, slowing unwrapping the bandage on my chest. I had my eyes closed, the pain creeping ever so often.

He wrapped the clean bandage around my torso, rubbing over it with his warm hand. His hand felt so good on my cold body. I couldn't tell if it was cold in the house, or if I was just freezing cold myself.

"Grant it's really cold out here.." I was shaking from how cold I was.

He picked me up, carefully taking me to the bedroom. I was laid lightly onto the bed next to a still sleeping Eddie.

"If you need anything, I'll be making breakfast. I also got your phone off the coffee table." He laid my phone beside me.

"T-Thank you.." I stuttered out.


Grant's POV

I felt horrible for Gaege, almost like it was my fault for not doing something last night to help him. I know he didn't want our help though.

I was cooking bacon on the stove, flipping it with the spatula ever so often.

I heard foot steps, hoping it wasn't Gaege coming down. I didn't want him to get out of bed in his state.

"Hey mi Amor." I heard Eddie roll off his tongue, making me smile.

"Hello, love. I'm just making breakfast. Gaege is still in bed incase you didn't see him beside you." My smile turned slightly into a frown.

Eddie walked behind me, wrapping his arms around me.

"Don't worry, I saw him sleeping peacefully when I got up." 

I put the bacon on a plate, turning around to Eddie. I hugged him lovingly after putting the bacon on the table.

"I just hope he is ok. I feel bad for not at least trying to intervene.." I frowned fully, looking at Eddie's sad expression.

"He wanted to do it himself, and we let him." He walked off, opening the fridge.

"Did we run out of bottled waters?" Eddie asked, turning towards me. I was confused until I remembered drinking it.

"Sorry baby, I drank the last one.." I scratched my neck.

He just smiled, walking back to the dining table.

"Don't worry, I'll go to the store and buy some more. We're out of fruit anyways, and you know Gaege likes strawberries in the morning.

I smiled back to him, laying pancakes onto a separate plate.

"I'll bring the food to Gaege, don't worry." Ed smiled, putting pancakes and bacon onto a plate for him.

"Don't forget the orange juice!" I yelled, before giving him a plastic coffee cup filled with juice.


Eddie's POV

I walked upstairs with the plate, seeing Gaege still asleep.

I lightly shook him awake.

"Mm.." He groaned, turning his back towards me. a few seconds later I heard a pained noise come from him.

"Baby.." I started, but was interrupted by a whimper.

I turned him over slowly, making him wince and open his eyes.

"I brought you breakfast. I know you were sleeping, but you have to be hungry. You haven't eaten anything since lunch yesterday."

He nodded, trying his best to sit up.

I handed him the plate of pancakes and bacon, putting the cup of orange juice on the bedside table next to the bed.

"When you're done just.." I tried to think of a way he could get me without yelling. "Text me."

He nodded again, no words.

"Why aren't you talking to me baby?" I whispered loud enough for him to hear.

He just huffed, holding his arms out. I was confused until he grabbed me, hugging me without touching his chest too hard.

"You can tell me what's wrong, ok? I won't make you now, but I just want you to know." I smiled, rubbing his hair smoothly.

He started to say something, but dug his face into my neck more.

"I'm going to go now. Please eat your breakfast." I smiled sympathetically before getting up and walking out.

"I love you-"

Sorry, I've literally been at my aunts everyday for 3 days. I've had the draft waiting for a bit, lol. Love you guys. 💘♥

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