Meet The Bad Girls

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Takes place before Jennie moved in.

Lisa's pov:

I didn't realize we were getting new neighbors until I saw this big ass moving truck parked outside the house next door.


That couple was annoying.

It's not my fault that I wanted to practice my guitar...

At three in the morning...

On a weekday.

Seriously, they need to learn some respect for their neighbors.

But I would be lying if I said I didn't appreciate the knocks on my front door the next morning.

They were old, but they were very... creative when it came to their choice of words to describe how much of an asshole I am.

Personally, I found it very amusing.


My mother did not.

My parents are deep sleepers, which makes it very easy to annoy my neighbors, sneak out or in, and listen to my tv on full volume...

Which also leads to my neighbors being annoyed...


If you didn't get the message by now, my neighbors don't f*cking like me.

"Mom I'm leaving!" I shout, hearing her in the kitchen, but before she could poke her head around to say something, I close the door behind me.

Our neighbors did in fact knock on my door this morning to tell my parents how rude I was to sling shot pebbles at their windows last night.

Which was a complete lie!!!

They weren't pebbles...

They were rocks.

If they were going to tattle tail on me, they should at least get their facts straight.

So that's why I left before my mom could say anything, I did not need another "life lesson" on why we should treat people kindly.

Last time I checked, treating people kindly is not fun.

Swinging my keys around my finger, I get in my camaro and head towards school, maybe just a tad over the speed limit.

Or a lot.

Or I forgot what the speed limit actually was.

I get to school and park my car in my spot.

Groaning, I force myself to walk towards the school entrance, dreading yet another day of learning absolutely nothing.

What a waste of time.

"Yo Biatch!!!"

I stop in the middle of the parking lot and turn around to meet eyes with my best friend since kindergarten, Suzy.

"How's it going?" I say nonchalantly as we make our way to the school.

As we walk, I can see girls eyeing us like a piece of meat.

At the attention, Suzy smirks and flexes his muscles, causing a few girls to blush while fanning themselves with their hands.

Although this happens a lot, I still don't understand why these girls at our school nearly faint at a action so simple.

But I ain't complaining.

We are popular, we are muscular, and I am certainly hot as f*ck.

I'm used to it.

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