King Of The Badgirls

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Jennie's pov:

When I walk in through the door of my house, I first notice that it is... cleaner than usual.

Holy crap did we get robbed??!?!!

"Jennie don't freak out." My mom says laughing walking into the living room.

"Mom, why is the house actually... clean for once?

"Wait is Grandma coming!!"

Yeah, our house isn't always the cleanest. The only real time we actually do put effort in it is when my grandma from my mom's side comes over.

Because, and I quote, 'a clean house is a happy house.'

I mean, I'm sorry, but I don't think houses have emotions Grandma.

"Wait Grandma's coming??!" Taehyung says bursting through the front door.

"No, just because the house is clean doesn't mean Grandma's coming." My mom sighs.

Suddenly, the door opens again and in walks my dad. He looks around the living room and his eyes go wide.

Don't say it dad.




"Amanda is your mom coming??!!"

Oh dear lord.

"NO!!!" My mom shouts out in exhaustion, probably from cleaning all day because when I left the house this morning, it looked like Tarzan decided to move in.

"I invited the Manoban's to our house for a nice dinner." She says in the calmest voice I've heard her in.

Trust me, the calm voice, is definitely the scary voice.

Wait a second...

Mrs. Manoban...

Mr. Manoban...

Lisa Manoban...

Me and Taehyung make eye contact across the room thinking about the last meal we had with them.

Let's just say it did not end well.

"What time will they be over?" My dad asked.

"They should be here in an hour, Jennie and Tae I would like you to clean your room's before they get here."

"Why??!!" Me and my brother both whine out at the same time.

"It's not like they are going to be in my room." I say to my mom.

She rolls her eyes. "Just clean them or no dessert for you!" She says walking back into the kitchen.

Me and Taehyung both start walking to the stairs but my dad cuts us off and pulls us to the side.

"If I were you guys, stay clear of the kitchen. You know how she get's when trying to prepare meals for guests." My dad says looking slightly afraid of the woman who was currently cutting carrots with a large knife in the kitchen.

You can tell who wears the pants in this relationship.

"Honey can you come help me?!" She calls from the kitchen.

Me and Taehyung both give my dad kisses on his cheek. "Be safe dad, it only gets harder from here." I say trying not to laugh how we all know that mom gets scary at time's like these.

"Trust me child, I will." And with that, he slowly walks into the kitchen.


After finally cleaning my room, the cleanest it has been in days if I may add, I finally get a chance to pull out my book and read at least a couple of chapters.

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