You Violent Love Struck Puppy

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Jennie's pov:

School was finally over and I was standing at my locker because the buses don't arrive until five minutes after school is dismissed.

And me being the respectful child I am, I was just minding my own business shoving books into my locker when I started to hear loud footsteps coming my way.

I ignored it at first, but next thing I know my locker is being slammed shut.

I jump up totally dropping my books and look over into, and might I say, angry hazel eyes glaring at me.

"What's up Rośe?" I laugh out nervously backing away an inch or two.

"Don't 'What's up' me Jennie, you know what you did!"

I try to think back to all the things I could have done in the last couple hours. I mean I saw her last class.... Huh, maybe those were glares.

"What did I do?"

"I saw you!!!"

"What do you mean you saw me? You know that sounds a little stalkish."

"I looked out of my classroom window to see you and Lisa Manoban flirting!!"

I cover her mouth with my hand, but she licks it leaving a path of her salvia all over my palm.

"Gross did you just lick me??!"

"Explain!!" She says tapping her foot impatiently.

Geez, if I didn't know her so well I would have probably mistaken her for a crazy woman on drugs.

And not the good kind of drugs.

"We weren't flirting.... we were just hanging out."

"Hanging out?"

"Yeah.. you know.. what most normal people do."

I don't know why she is making such a big deal about this.

"Jennie, we are talking about Lisa Manoban!! The girl who doesn't give girls a second glance!! Total bad girl hottie!! Top of the food chain!!" She whisper yells to me giving a horror look.

I look around to see some by passers in the hallway giving us, well more her, strange looks.

"You're making her sound like a cold hearted serial killer."

"Well if the shoe fits.." I roll my eyes at her statement and check my watch to see the buses wouldn't be here for another two minutes.

"Look Rośe, I was just lonely at gym and we started talking. She's actually not that bad of a person. Sure, she can be really cocky, and sometimes full of herself. And his ego -.. "

She looks at me wide eyed and I realize that I am actually really not helping my case.

"Okay what I'm trying to say is you really shouldn't judge someone by their 'appearance' or the rumors that spread."

She looks down for a second and squats down picking the books up, which I totally forgot about, and hands them to me.

"Yeah you're right. I'm sorry."

I reach out and give her a hug, and after a few seconds, she eventually hugs back.

"Don't worry about it, maybe all of these rumors are getting the best of us." I let go and grin while she smiles back.

Suddenly, I hear another door slam and I look over to see a person walking out.

Seriously what is with it with all of these crazy people slamming stuff??

I hear Rośe take a sharp intake and I look over again to see the person was just casually walking in our direction.

When they look up, our eyes meet and I instantly recognize the person as Jisoo.

Aka.. Rośe's long time crush.

Realization draws in her eyes once she recognizes it's me. A smile instantly forms on her face and she walks over to us.

"Hey Jennie!! Long time no see!" She says holding her hand out for a fist bump.

I fist bump him back, you know, again being the good person I am.

I look over to Rośe who looks like she was about to pass out any second.

"Oh Jisoo, this is my best friend Rośe, Rośe meet Jisoo"

"Even though you already know her because you stalk her at lunch" I say so lowly under my breath that only Rośe heard it because she was standing closer to me.

Her eyes go wide and she elbows me right in the ribs.

You Violent Love Struck Puppy.

"I'm Rośe!!" She says quickly and shakes Jisoo's hand.

You know, this is happening while I'm slowly dying on the inside not just from the rib impact, but me trying to hold back my fan girl screams and how cute they would be together.

"Nice to meet you." Jisoo says smiling at Rośe.

She smiles back with a blush on her cheeks. "I- It's Nice to meet you too."

"l feel like I know you from somewhere, are you sure we never met before?"

" Not t-that I recall." Rośe says noticeably stumbling over her words, but I don't think Jisoo noticed.

Maybe because girls are oblivious.

What who said that??!

She looks like she was about to say something else but the sound of buses approaching stopped her from talking more.

"Well I gotta go, nice meeting you, and see yah later Jennie!" Jisoo says running out.

We wait a couple seconds until she was out of hearing distance.

"I think my heart just ran a marathon." Rośe says putting her hand over her heart.

I let out a small laugh and loop my arm around hers.

"Come on, we got a bus to catch.... "

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