Chapter 9

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We were at the doctor’s office seeing about my baby and Angelo was playing with Denis while I was looking up at the screen.

“Aww……. OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDD ANGELOOOOOO LOOKKKK BABEEE LOOKKKKKKK.”  I yelled with tears coming down my face.

“Oh God, nawl man it can’t be true.” Angelo said making chuckle.

“Well sir, you see it.” The doctor said. “You’re having triplets.” The doctor finished.

“Well I’m here babe, no matter what.” Angelo stated making me cry.

“Auntie Anna, its ok.” Denise said giving me a reason to cry harder.

“I know baby, auntie just so happy. Ok?” I reassured her making her cheer up.

“Ok you’re ok to leave.” The doctor announced. “Ii will prescribe you with your prenatal vitamins, and you can go pick them up from your pharmacy.”

“Ok, thanks.” Angelo and I said in unison. “May I have some books or packets on what I need to know about pregnancy?” I asked. “I’m a first time mom.” I explained.

“Yes ma’am.” The doctor said. “She will give them to you on your way out.”

“Thanks.” I said again.

As we were walking to the car I could see that Angelo was happier than I was it was cute the way he was reacting and stuff. I was snapped out of my train of thought by Angelo calling my name.

“Anna.” He called out about 3 times.

“Oh, yes babe?” I asked.

“Where do you want to go now babe?” He asked.

“I don’t know. Where you want to go Denise?” I asked her as she was singing that sung again.

“To your house I sleepy.” She stated.

“Ok mama.” Angelo said.

“Do you anything before we go home babe?” He turned and looked at me as we stopped at the light.

“No, I think ima just go home and rest.” I said getting sleepy.

“Ok babe.” Angelo said readjusting the air because lord knows it was like 83 degrees outside.

“Yelp.” I said. Then the whole ride home was quiet and peaceful. Thank God because I was tired like really I felt worn out.

When we got home I decided to go ahead and take a quick nap before going to the store and getting the dinner for tonight.

I was woken up by A, Aeshjia, Brittaney, Damion, Denise, and Angelo yelling and tickling me making almost piss on myself lord they play too much.

“Omg I’m going to kill y’all.” I yelled.

“Runnnnnn.” They all yelled running out of my room.

I had to rush to the bathroom and handle business. When I went down stairs they were acting like they didn’t just do what they did. So I went and got Denise two purple and pink hello kitty water guns and came back spraying all them making them run outside and I locked them outside forgetting that Angelo had a key. So we they finally came in Angelo chased me upstairs lord knows I was tired and he caught me by one arm and tackled me on our bed tickling me and kissing all on me. I’m glad I stopped in time enough because lord knows we would’ve been making all the love there is to be making.


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