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" I think the ideal couple should discuss in private! I see you again! " Smitha mumbled and left.

TBH, she ran away to escape from Aditi's wrath.

" Aditi, what's wrong with you? You aren't attending my calls since half an hour!" Aarav asked placing flowers and a gift box on the desk.

" Nothing!" Aditi acted casual fearing if Aarav showed up there to harm her or to manipulate her again.

" I will stab him to death and then kill myself!" Aditi thought. She is in no state of mind to approach legal advice or punishing Smitha for being his partner.

" Happy one year anniversary my Love!" Aarav took her into his arms, before she came to a conclusion.

"Did you cry? You like tired too.
Is everything fine, please say something? Is there anything that's bothering you, you can share with me!" Aarav asked.

" Wait, maybe plan he was taking about is surprising me today. Maybe him switching off the TV when the lady appeared on screen was also a coincidence!" Her heart still has hopes.

 Maybe him switching off the TV when the lady appeared on screen was also a coincidence!" Her heart still has hopes

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" Well, get ready quickly. I have a surprise for you!" He beamed giving her a dress he bought.

" Aarav, actually....." Aditi is about to say something when his phone rang.

" Yes, doctor!" He answered the call.

" What? Why would anyone would want to harm my mom!" He screamed.

Actually, he didn't feel like trusting when the doctor said, she had such symptoms due to hormonal imbalances. He consulted other doctor and gave blood samples of his mom the very day itself.

He is now baffled to learn the truth that his mom was given such harmful chemicals.

" Okay doctor, thank you!" He disconnected the call.

" Is it another drama?" Aditi is pondering, just then a memory flashed in her mind.


" I will tell Aarav everything today afternoon!" Aditi told Smitha the morning.

" Okay, I'm going to meet a friend! Will be back soon." Smitha left in hurry at around 8AM.

" I didn't remind her to take medicine today!" Aditi dialled Smitha, but Smitha didn't answer.

Having no option, Aditi tracked GPS ( they both use that App so as to ensure safety) of Smitha to give her medicine.

However, she is shocked to encounter Smitha coming out from Mishra's home.

" Maybe she wanted to convince about Aarav!" Aditi presumed standing at the main gate, sneaking inside.

Smitha then took a strip of tablets from her hand bag and had one.

Having realized Smitha is now cautious about her health, Aditi is about to leave without facing her.

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