Chapter 2

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Gom + Kuroko and Hinata are childhood friends

Hinata Pov

"Suya-chan Do you think they will find us?"I asked.

"Depends on where he looks first " suya-chan reply."They might find me first since I will join the basketball club" he added

' Hopefully they don't find us fast'

" Cheer up shōyou-kun they won't find you unless we give them a Clue" he said .

" Aren't you afraid what he will do if he found you" I asked

"Of course I do . Who wouldn't I mean They all change " he said " yeah they changed so much .All they care about is winning " I said

Suya-chan sigh and said " and they've become over protective " he chuckled " come on let's cheer up pack your stuff for tomorrow " he said
"Ok" I replied
" Oh I forget to ask are you using Akashi as your last name or Your mother last name?"he asked me
"I will use Hinata since he won't find out"I answered
"Ok then"

Time skip

Tetsuya pov

" I will miss shōyou-kun, call me once you got there and text me if something happens ok " I said.
"I will , Don't worry to much" shōyou answer."And how about Everytime you lost to one them you tell them 1 hint of where I am or what am doing"he said .
"What type of hints you should I give " I asked
He smiles "example , I am ........" He said." And the second one call me and I'll give it to them " he added.
"Very well then "I nodded

"The passenger to Miyagi please board the train .The train will be leaving in 15 minutes"

" Well that my que to leave bye " shōyou said
"Good bye and have a save trip shōyou-kun" I said as he walk away

After he left
I go to Magi burger and order a large vanilla milkshake . As I walk to find a sit I spot some familiar figures .It was none another than Generation of miracle . ' shit why now '.I tried to walk out of the store I heard one of them said "stop" .
Akashi seijūrō Pov

I spotted a familiar figure . It was my dear Tetsuya. it's seem like he noticed us the moment he tried to leave I shouted " stop" he started to trembling as he turn around he was scared but no one noticed .

" Hello sei-kun" he said.
"Why don't you join us Tetsuya" as I said the other miracles look at him in shock.
" Sure " as he try to hide the fear I chuckled "no need to be scared Tetsuya" as I finish a certain blonde shouted
" I missed you so much Tetsuchii " Kise shout
"So where is shōchii" he asked
" How about we all sat down first " My dear Tetsuya said

" Of course sat here Tetsuya " I said
As he sat .

"How have you all been?" He asked

"What do you think,tetsu" Daiki said in a sarcastic

Atsushi Murasakibara Pov

I was so shock to see tetsu-chin in front of us we spend so long to find him . And now he in front of us but someone was missing that someone is shō-chin before I could said anything he asked " How have you all been?"

"What do you think,tetsu" Dai-chin said in a sarcastic.

Daiki Aomine Pov

I was shock He was right in front of me after 3 month of searching .we finally meet him again yet Some one was missing Shō wasn't with him .As he sat down he asked " How have you all been?"

"What do you think,tetsu" I reply in a sarcastic tone.

Shintarō Midorima Pov

I was shock but I calm my self down . I missed him yet I tried to hide it .As he sat down he asked "How have you all been?" Before I could answer someone said

"What do you think,tetsu" Daiki said in a sarcastic.

Ryōta Kise Pov

I was so happy to see Tetsuchii again after so long when he sat down he asked " How have you all been?" Before anyone could answer that daichii said

"What do you think,tetsu" Daiki said in a sarcastic.

Tetsuya Pov

"What do you think,tetsu" Daiki said in a sarcastic.

'Of course why did I ask that' I thought to my self before sei-kun asked

"Where is shōyou , Tetsuya?"

"Somewhere in Japan" I answered

"Where" he asked

" Can't tell you but every match you win against the basketball team that I'll join. I will give you a hint" I said make him mad

" So Tetsuchii which are you school are you going to " Kise asked

"That's you will know soon" I said

After a few moments later .

"I will be going now .I have to buy some stuff for school tomorrow " I said "goodbye "

I can tell they were look at me as I walk out. I decided to good to the book store to buy some story to read .
After buying the book. I decided to go grocery shopping even though I don't eat much.
As I arrive home I heard my phone ring

Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring

It was shōyou-kun

"Hello Shō-kun"

"Hey suya-chan I arrive at Miyagi an hour ago and I just finish unpacking "

" And is that a new nickname"

"Yes it is "

"Ah right almost forgot I met them this morning "

" What did they say "

"They ask where you are"

I began to tell him everything that happens

" Well than I will talk to you later "

"Good bye"

"Bye suya-chan "

To be continued

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