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Shōyou Pov

Both me and Sushi-chan were walking toward the cafeteria when his phone . " Shō-chin I will be back soon . Wait for me here , okay. " I nodded " alright " When he walk away I saw the caller name it was Sei-nii . So I decided to follow him , although I only heard a bit of what he said . Once I saw him hang up the phone I ran back to Where I was before I follow him. He arrives after me a moment later . " So who was that ? " I decided to pretend not to know. " It was Muro-chin. " I know he was lying , but I just continue my act .

When we arrive at the cafeteria . " Hmm , Sushi-chan , Can you get some milk tea for me and Suya-chan ? " Sushi-chan turn towards me and nodded. I use that time to tell suya-chan what I heard .





chat between shōyou and Tetsuya

Shō-kun :
We have emergency !!!!!!!

Suya-chan :
What's wrong , shō-kun ?

Shō-kun :
Sei-nii and the other four are planning something big and it concern us .

Suya-chan :
What are they planning this time ?

Shō-kun :
Don't know all I heard was " Everything is going according to plan . soon shō-chin and tetsu-chin will trust only us right , Sei-chin "

Suya-chan :
This could be really bad .

Shō-kun :
should we do something ?

Suya-chan :
Not yet , we'll see what they trying to do .

Shō-kun :
But ...

Suya-chan :
You should try to find out their plan first and then we can find away to counter it .

Shō-kun :
okay got it (/•v•)/

Suya-chan :
I'll be there in a minutes  :)

Shō-kun :
Kay .

I closed my phone when I see sushi-chan coming back with two milk tea and a bag of snacks . I sigh thinking if I made the right choice making him go buy me those milk tea. Once he's arrive I asked " where did you get all of that ? " He shrugged . " There was a vending machine for snacks . " I sigh " Suya-chan will be here soon . With a few of his friends. " He nodded .

A few moments of talking about random things , I saw suya-chan and his friends was entering so I wave my hand up telling them to come towards us .

" So , who are they , suya-chan ? " I asked suya-chan friend when they sit down . " This is Takao-kun and you already met kagami-kun " I nodded . " Tet-chan who is he ? " I glare toward him and said " I'm Akashi shōyou , please to meet you . And if you want to suya-chan ask anything that concern me , Ask me yourself . " I smile Sweetly . I can tell he was trembling and also shock because of what I said . I smirk a little remembering that No one dare to go against an Akashi . Then I heard a cough a fake one to be precise . I look over toward the person who did it and ask . " Everything's alright ? Suya-chan " He glared , I almost bust out laughing " Everything is alright . You don't have to worry , Shō-kun " He said in a toneless voice . ' I guess Nothing can really changed suya-chan huh ' My thoughts was cut short when a pair of arm hugged me from behind . I was about to say something when that person kissed , I turn around and saw it was My boyfriend . So I kissed back for a moment I've forgotten that we were inside the cafeteria . When all of a sudden , I noticed Three fucking pairs of scissors flew towards us . Luckily, I caught it just in time . I looked at the person who threw it .

" What the hell was that for ? " I shouted loud enough that whole cafeteria could hear me . The temperature in the room drop , once they noticed who I shouted at . " Who is this guy that you were kissing ? " A cold and bones chilling voice was heard . I can tell many people got scared of the tone that he was using . I, myself would be lying if I said I wasn't scare though I won't let a mere tone scare me  . " He is My boyfriend . Is there any problem with that , My dear brother . " The silence was all there is to be heard . No one in the cafeteria did anything . Everyone was scared . " Of course , there is " He glared at me his own fucking brother . " Then what is the problem ? " I glared back at him . " Who gives you permission to date that peasant ? " All I was thinking is Who the hell give him the right to call My lover a peasant . " Suya-chan did " I look at suya-chan tell him to lie to Sei-nii with me . " Tetsuya , Did you ? " I can tell suya-chan getting super pissed . Before I can start praying a loud bang was heard make everyone jump . " Who the hell do you think you are ? " I see Sei-nii about to say something but got cut off ." I thought I made it clear back then that DO NOT PULL ME IN TO YOUR GODDAMN FUCKING ARGUMENT. "  I was terrified , everyone in the the room were terrified well except for Nii-san . By the look of his face , umm He was shock . I mean who wouldn't be , he used that tone . " Suya-chan , please calm down . " He glared at me . " I am calm . Akashi-kun calm down and don't you dare try to throw any scissors at Tsukishima-san . And for you Hinata-kun take a deep breath and think about what you did . "

To say that we make Kuroko Tetsuya the calmest person we know mad was understatement . We did not just make him mad , we might have  waken up a sleeping beast .






To . be . continued

See ya next (/·>·)/

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