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Kuroko Tetsuya POV

Both me and Sei-kun have been dating for so long, He know I hate fancy place. And here we are, inside of one of japanese most expensive restaurant.

" Sei-kun, Can We go somewhere else? " I ask wishing to leave the restaurant. I mean There isn't a single thing in the menu that makes out of vanilla.

" Why? Do you not like the food here? " He asked me and I can swear that that he was smirking at my misery. " Sei-kun, you love me right? " He smiles and pat my head. " Of course, I love you. "

" Then won't you take me Maji burger instead of eating here? There isn't any Vanilla milkshake here. " I put my fake sad face on.

" Why don't you order and eat something then we can continue our date. I promise I will buy you some vanilla milkshake. "

" From Maji burger " He nodded

A few minutes after we ordered the food arrive, we ate after a few Sei-kun excuses himself to the bathroom. Once he's out of sight, I took his phone to check his messages. But things didn't play out the way I want , His password wasn't an easy to crack.

' what would it be? '

I tried 5 times before getting the right password. ' The password should be 1104 right? ' And I enter it and it was correct ' I should have known. ' The first thing I noticed was the wallpaper, is a picture of me at the beach. ' I guess I know why he decided to put a password on his phone. '

I look toward the bathroom to see if Sei-kun come back yet. I decided to open his chat and check the latest one which was Ryō-kun, I clicked on the chat.

Once I finished reading the chat between them, I was going to check his chat between Shin-kun when I see Sei-kun leaving the bathroom

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Once I finished reading the chat between them, I was going to check his chat between Shin-kun when I see Sei-kun leaving the bathroom. I turn off his phone and continue to eat my food. When he arrives he turn on his phone and smirk.

" Tetsuya, You open my phone, didn't you? " His tone send shiver down my spine. " What's make you think that? " I curse myself for forgetting to leave the app before turn it off. " Tetsuya, Tell me the truth. " He smiles " I did sorry, but you've to explain that wallpaper of your. " I tried changing the subject. " Changing the subject won't do you any good, dear? " He smiles " Although, I will let's it slide. " I gulps and look at my phone pretend their was someone calling me. " Excuse me for second " I get up and walk outside of the restaurant and start calling Shō-kun.

I was staring at Sei-kun who was sitting in the restaurant, I almost forgot about the call.

" Suya-chan? " His voice snaps me out of my thoughts ( Kuroko imagination of Akashi )

" Shō-kun , Are you with Ryō-kun and Dai-kun ? "

" I am . What's wrong ? "

" I checked Sei-kun phone and..."

" And? "

" The last text was between him and Ryō-kun "

" What did it say? "

" It said ' Distract shōyou until Shintarō and Atsushi finished theirs task . ' "

" I see, What's about the rest? "

" I didn't see it since Sei-kun come back. "

" Ok , bye see you soon "

He hung up the phone. I can guess that he's going to torture them until they give him answer. I was walking back to the table when I saw that Sei-kun already finished his food.

Once I arrive and sit down, Sei-kun asked " What was that phone call about Tetsuya? "

" Nothing much "

" Really? "

" Yes "

" Alright, eat your food then we can continue our date. " I nodded and start eating.

A few minutes later, I finished the food. Sei-kun and I left the restaurant. Sei-kun was the one who paying even after me protesting to pay.

We're walking to buy a vanilla milkshake when I got a message from Shō-kun. I stop walking and read it then look at Sei-kun who already a few steps ahead.

' let's see what will happens next. '

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