Chapter 11

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Shōyou Pov

" *Sigh* I hope yōta-chan and Dai-chan won't start arguing over who's going to play one-on-one angst me " I mumble

" Did you say something, shōyou-kun ?" Atsumu-san asked

" N-nothing "

" Okay..... Mm , shōyou-kun we arrived at our room " Atsumu-san said as he knocked the door

Third person Pov

As the door open , A boy with powder blue hair said" Ah! Shō-kun, you're here "

" Yes ,So where is the rest ?" Shōyou said as he and atsumu walk in side the room " Ryō-kun and Dai-kun being punished by sei-kun "

" What did they do ?" Shōyou asked . Tetsuya then point to a broken wine bottle and scissors . Shōyou just stared at it in shock and then asked " is that Tarō-chan lucky items and Sei-nii scissors ? " Tetsuya nodded confirm the theory .

" Mhm Shōyou-kun , who is this guy ? " Atsumu asked

" Oh Right , Atsumu-san meet Kuroko Tetsuya , My childhood best friend . And  suya-chan this Miya Atsumu"  Shōyou said

" Nice to meet you Miya-san "

"It's nice to to meet you to Kuroko-kun and please call me Atsumu " Tetsuya shook his head and said" I think that Would be inappropriate of me " " Then call me as  you please " Atsumu put on a fake smile and offers a handshake " please stop fake smiling " Tetsuya said as he shake Atsumu hand

' God! Please send someone to help Break the tension ' shōyou thought

" Ne~ Shō-chin , You arrived " Atsushi said breaking the tension  ' Thanks god sushi-chan arrive or I don't know what I will do ' shōyou fake coughed "It's nice to see you sushi-chan " "me too . Ne~ shō-chin , Tetsu-chin where is sei-chin and shin-chin ? "  " Sei-nii is punishing Yōta-chan and Dai-chan. And Tarō-chan I don't know "

" Shin-kun is going to buy a new lucky  items since Ryō-kun and Dai-kun “accidentally” broke it " Tetsuya said

" Mm hello..." Atsumu wave his hands

' shit I forget he was here ' shōyou thought

' oh right I forgot about him ' Tetsuya thought

"Hello , who are you ?" Atsushi asked

"Miya Atsumu , you are..." atsumu said

" Murasakibara Atsushi "

" Nice to meet you " Atsumu said Atsushi just nodded in reply

Ting Ting

You have 4 new massage

" Shōyou-kun I think you want to check the GC "

" Alright "

Inside the Volleyball players GC

Yams :  And that how Hinata propose to tsuki.

Sugamama : I thought Tsukishima was the one who proposed first

Milk king 👑🥛: Pfft I still can see saltyshima blushing face

Saltyshima🧂 : WTH king , shut up yams

Yams , Why do you have to expose me ?

Yams change sunshine ☀️🧡 nickname to Kei sun☀️💛
Yams change saltyshima🧂 nickname to Shōyou Moon🌙🧡

Great king 👑💙: Nice one Yams . I didn't know you were that brave Chibi-chan . The Bee 🐝 who is your roommates ?

The Bee 🐝 : shōyou-kun and his friends . I just two of my roommates Not including shōyou-kun . What about you kawa ?

Great king 👑💙 : I'm with Karasuno , Nekoma , Fukurōdani captains and 3 basketball captains

Iwa-chan : Shut up flattykawa

Great king 👑💙 : mean Iwa-chan

Kei Sun☀️💛 :
You're Lucky ! My and atsumu-san roommates are A bunch of colorful hair basketball prodigy .

Shōyou Moon 🌙🧡 : You mean your childhood friends and twin brother .

Kei Sun☀️💛 :
Yes !

Milk king 👑🥛 : Does anyone hear screaming ?

Yams : Yes

Everyone except shōyou and atsumu: Yes

Kei Sun ☀️💛 :
I don't think I heard anyone screaming.

The Bee 🐝 : Me too .

Sugamama : probably because you guys are the farthest from our room .

Kei sun ☀️💛 :
Maybe , anyways who is screaming ?

Milk king🥛👑 : A tanned blue hair and a blonde hair guy screaming and running while a red hair guy chasing them with scissors.

Kei Sun ☀️💛:
Alright what ever you do , Do not go near them .

Everyone that online: Hai

Kei Sun ☀️💛 :
see you all at lunch

Everyone : Bye chibi-chan/Boke/Sunshine /Hinata

Kei Sun☀️💛 went offline

In real life

" Bye shōyou-kun " Atsumu walking out of the room "Huh where are you going " shōyou tilted his head confusion " Samu text me that he going to buy some Onigiri and asked if I want to go " "okay bye then " shōyou as Atsumu close the door

"So are we going to save yōta-chan and Dai-chan or not ? " Shōyou looks at the his childhood friends " I don't know, but I think they deserve it anyway " Tetsuya shrugged "I'm not helping them " Atsushi refused " I'll give you more sweet " shōyou offer "Deal " Atsushi agree " We don't want Sei-nii to go to jail for murder do we, suya-chan ?" Shōyou smile (more like grin ) " Fine but you'll buy me vanilla milkshake " Tetsuya sigh in defeat " Alright mission saving Ahomine and idiotkise Go " Shōyou shouted " Let's go " Atsushi said in a lazy tone and Tetsuya nodded

With Seijūrō , Ryōta and Daiki

" Oh Daiki , Ryōta where are you ?" Said while smirking

« Daichii , what are we going to do » Ryōta whisper to Daiki «How would I know » Daiki whisper back

" Ah so this is where you guys are " Seijūrō giving them a dead stare

"Ahhhhhhh Someone help "Daiki and Ryōta Shouted

With shōyou Tetsuya and Atsushi

" Ne~ shō-chin Did you hear that ? It sounds like Dai-chin and Ryō-chin screaming " "Where?" " over there " Atsushi point at bush

" Let's check it "

To. be. continued

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