Chapter Five

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When I woke up the next day, the bathroom door was still closed. Max's bed was untouched. I walked over to the bathroom. The door was cracked open. I inched it open only to see Max lying on the floor. Small trickles of blood stained the floor. A bloody pair of scissors was thrown in the sink. Beer cans were covering the floor. Max had obviously gotten drunk. I went over to him and checked for a heart beat. There was one. I checked his wrists; the cuts weren't as deep as last time. They were on his arms instead of his wrists. At least he was slightly improving.

"Renee, no. You can't leave. I still love you," Max mumbled in his sleep. I sat down against the wall. I wrapped my hand around his. Max was probably having a flashback of when Renee left him. It was probably worse than when Jess and I broke up. That's even difficult for me to think of. Jess and I had a pretty bad break up. The screams, the abuse...

"Anthony?" Max said. Grogginess covered his voice.

"Oh, hey...uh...Max," I said nervously. He looked down at our intertwined hands and smiled. I was staring at the ground, my cheeks red from slight embarrassment.

"Hey, could you get me some headache pills? Or the hangover ones?" Max asked. I nodded and stood up. I searched through his cupboard. I grabbed some pills and filled a cup with water. He downed the pills and reached a hand up. I pulled Max to his feet. He almost fell on me, but I caught him. I dragged Max over to his bed and set him down.

"I'll be right back," I said, turning off the bathroom light as I left it. I had a bottle of peroxide and a wash cloth. I wet the cloth with some peroxide and grabbed Max's hand. "This will sting." I pulled his arm straight and brought the cloth down on the cuts. He winced at the pain and tried to pull away. I kept a strong grip on his arm and patted them. I did it to the other arm, cleaning the cuts and wiping the blood away. I let Max's arm pull back as I put everything back in the bathroom. I threw the scissors in the trash after washing them.

"Anthony, come here," Max said. I walked over to him. "So, you know of my feelings towards you. I hope that makes this question less awkward. Would you sleep in here with me? I promise I won't try anything," Max said. I thought about it before nodding. A smile spread across Max's face. Max scooted back so I could lay down. I got under the sheets and lay on my back.

"Max, can you promise me something? Or at least try?" I asked cautiously.

"I'll try."

"Could you keep away from sharp objects? I'll help you through it. I almost lost you and I don't want to. Last night I was scared. I thought you would try again," I said.

"I'll try," Max paused. "Anthony, can we forget about last night? I was drunk and what I did to you was...uncalled for. Can you forgive me?" Max asked me.

"It's okay, Max. I can forgive you for a lot," I replied. Max put his head on my chest and closed his eyes. I ran my hand through his hair as I waited for him to fall asleep. "Goodnight, Max."

"It's not night, but goodnight to you too," Max replied. I laughed slightly before closing my eyes as well.

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